
history (416), culture (328), graphic novel (282), sociology (266), humor (187), women (143), short stories (121), mystery (98), science fiction (85), black (77), calligraphy (72), relationships (72), fantasy (62), art (57), cultural (51), work (51), graphic (46), biography (43), horror (40), family (39), scholarly (39), advice (38), quotes (37), society (35), technology (35), cookbook (32), guide (31), business (31), project management (29), steampunk (29), photography (28), words (28), food (26), satire (26), historical (24), comics (23), 3-3-7 (22), WonderCon 2007 (22), novel (22), reference (22), signed (20), essays (19), feminism (19), fiction (18), woman (17), America (17), music (17), poetry (16), african american (16), meals (15), religion (15), England (15), america (15), freaks (15), illumination (15), facts (15), politics (15), team (14), victorian (14), gothic (14), racism (14), career (14), autobiography (14), trivia (13), opera (13), movies (13), stories (12), comic (12), serial killer (12), gangs (12), thriller (12), language (12), england (11), american (11), old west (11), crime (10), children (10), marketing (10), race (10), relationship (10), design (10), script (10), jazz (10), movie (10), future (10), illustrations (10), San Francisco (10), travel (10), games (9), natural (9), architecture (9), sociological (9), gay (9), project (9), resource (9), African American (9), puzzles (9), dictionary (9), pop culture (9), fashion (9), TV (9), scripts (9), libretto (8), cyberpunk (8), leadership (8), science (8), methodology (8), english (8), supernatural (8), prostitution (8), films (8), London (8), chocolate (8), church (8), graphics (8), software (8), dogs (8), brain (8), parody (7), superhero (7), tests (7), detective (7), computer (7), alphabet (7), internet (7), bay area (7), museum (7), customs (7), san francisco (7), urban (7), sex (7), new york city (7), job search (7), tv (7), adventure (7), cartoon (7), art deco (7), SantaThing (7), color (7), Intelligence (7), catholic (6), comix (6), suspense (6), new orleans (6), chinese (6), dance (6), comedy (6), murder (6), sci fi (6), candy (6), theatre (6), magic (6), los angeles (6), missions (6), lettering (6), military (6), literature (6), dessert (6), people (6), healthy (5), fairy tales (5), tour (5), sales (5), herbal (5), new york (5), film (5), bounty hunter (5), celtic (5), europe (5), men (5), community (5), working class (5), vacation (5), drugs (5), california (5), hobby (5), weird (5), PMI (5), cooking (5), cd (5), health (5), guides (5), italian literature (5), education (5), Louisiana (5), slavery (5), social (4), blues (4), west (4), circus (4), English (4), friendship (4), auction (4), sideshow (4), hip hop (4), philosophy (4), audiobook (4), south (4), California (4), mad (4), manager (4), hair (4), pmbok (4), office (4), flourishing (4), Latin (4), sci-fi (4), myth (4), logo (4), island (4), africa (4), Hollywood (4), war (4), poor (4), interview (4), collection (4), silicon valley (4), philosphy (4), bizarre (4), pacific (4), program (4), development (4), dog (4), poverty (4), aristocracy (4), regency (4), popular culture (4), gender (4), psychology (4), New York (4), finance (4), kickstarter (4), sayings (4), photographs (4), slang (4), self help (4), software development (4), photos (4), global (4), filming (3), northwest (3), comfort food (3), memoir (3), feminist (3), autobiographical (3), political (3), jobs (3), friends (3), herbs (3), unusual (3), hollywood (3), fragrance (3), gangsters (3), coast (3), research (3), short story (3), Chicago (3), romance (3), Europe (3), Spanish (3), reading (3), CA (3), gift (3), peninsula (3), Secret Santa (3), sculpture (3), twitter (3), etiquette (3), lifestyle (3), local (3), sports (3), anatomy (3), actor (3), bible (3), underground (3), project managment (3), midway (3), twisty (3), brush (3), sample (3), anthology (3), library (3), college (3), gold rush (3), fruit (3), exercise (3), competition (3), folk (3), male (3), brothers (3), african (3), president (3), pioneers (3), private investigator (3), childhood (3), power (3), international (3), negotiate (3), aromatheraphy (3), negotiation (3)
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Jun 20, 2006
A propos de ma bibliothèque

I like books that will give me insight to a topic that's not really mainstream. Sample good topics: graphic novels (non-super hero), humor, historical, sociological, underground, feminist.

I don't tend to like the following topics, although I've been known to read these kinds of books: Romance, biblical, animals, cookbooks, vampires, bondage, military, non-English, super hero, elves, dragons, fairies.

I really hate to be gifted a book that's one of a set. Unfortunately, it's hard to avoid getting graphic novels that are not standalone. I've scoured graphic novels myself, front to back, at the comic book store to avoid getting part of a set. Only to find the dreaded word "continued" on the last page. Then discover I only have the first book in a set of nine or some such nonsense. Aaaaaaaargh, so annoying.

Even worse is to have only a single book in the middle of a series. Imagine a book you're reading. Now thumb to about the 2/3 point of the book and rip out 20 pages. OK, those 20 pages make up your book. You now have to pay anywhere from $6 to $23 to buy other chunks of the book to make up a whole. Count on one of the chunks being almost impossible to find, in fact, you may not ever run across the missing chunk. Your compiled book may stay at 92% complete and the missing part will contain crucial information. Now you have an idea what it's like to only have one book in a graphic novel series.
A propos de moi
I like reading books that teach me something. That's why I have a wide range of topics. Either fiction or non-fiction.

I have very eclectic tastes so my books range over a lot of topics. If I think I'll learn something or be amused, I'll read it.


Cool Quote
"A library is thought in cold storage." -- Herbert Samuel, politician and diplomat (1870-1963)

My two favorite things in life are libraries and bicycles. They both move people forward without wasting anything. The perfect day: riding a bike to the library. -- Peter Golkin, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum

These are not books, lumps of lifeless paper, but minds alive on the shelves. -- Gilbert Highet, writer (1906-1978)

I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library. -Jorge Luis Borges, writer (1899-1986)

The actions of men are like the index of a book--they point out what is most remarkable in them. -- Author unknown

Few are too young, and none too old, to make the attempt to learn. Booker T. Washington, Up from Slavery, 1901

No two persons ever read the same book. -- Edmund Wilson

Learning is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily. -- Chinese Proverb

Learning is discovering that something is possible. -- Fritz Perls (1893-1970)

You don't understand anything until you learn it more than one way. -- Marvin Minsky

Whatever is good to know is difficult to learn. -- Greek Proverb

Oh, no! Not ANOTHER learning experience!

Lieu (géographique)
Sunnyvale, CA
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