
4 (2), Bruce Wayne has trained his body beyond the peak human perfection; he's trained his mind to focus on minute details to deter criminal enterprises. As the Batman (1), A rotating roster of the world's top comic book creators deliver unique tales starring Batman in this acclaimed anthology series! Spanning the career of the Dark Knight (1), striking at the hearts of criminals and villains across the globe. وُلد بروس واين في ثراء ، وقد تغير جذريًا في الليلة التي قُتل فيها والديه أمام عينيه. من ذلك اليوم فصاعدً (1), Bruce trained his mind and body beyond peak human perfection to become Batman--a symbol of terror (1), Bruce Wayne was fundamentally changed the night his parents were murdered before his eyes. From that day on (1), Born into affluence (1), striking at the hearts of criminals and villains across the globe. لقد درب بروس واين جسده إلى ما بعد ذروة الكمال البشري. لقد درب عقله على التركيز على التفاصيل الدقيقة لردع (1), he's a symbol of terror (1), they'll be forced to decide if they should risk everything to help save her soul. 36 صفحة من المحتوى! دون علم عامة الناس ، هناك فرق عسكرية مدربة تدريباً عالياً تحمينا بشجاعة من عش (1), Jimmy (1), desperately wishes to one day become an elite monster hunter himself. But when Craig and Jimmy stumble onto a charming vampire named Sara (1), there are highly trained military teams who bravely protect us from dozens of species of monsters that we don't know exist! And then there are the guys who clean it all up... Craig and Jimmy are those guys. And while Craig has accepted his lot in life (1), 36 Pages of Content! Unbeknownst to the general population (1), 223 (1993-2002) (1), 290 (1992-2016) (1), 6 (2021) (1), on the other hand (1), 350 (1), these stories celebrate all aspects of the World's Greatest Detective. تقدم قصص السنه الاولى لباتمان و قائمة دوارة لأفضل مصممي الكتب المصورة في العالم حكايات فريدة من نوعه (1)
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Apr 12, 2022