
history (1,643), fiction (1,352), novel (923), philosophy (686), 20th century literature (643), biography (597), project (569), poetry (562), class struggle (473), revolution (441), politics (434), QL (388), Marxism (362), radicalism (339), law (312), imperialism (311), ancient history (307), loft shelves (295), war (285), drama (280), loft shelf (279), science (266), theater (260), waterfront project (254), chess (254), Atticus (253), ruling class (252), New York City (224), Verso (222), literature (209), socialism (205), literary criticism (205), U.S. literature (204), U.S. history (200), poems (195), HLSNW (193), economics (190), MM (190), mystery (188), ebook (184), Loft Shelves (184), ideology (182), sociology (181), Public Storage (180), Vietnam project (176), U.S. imperialism (170), Vietnam (166), NYC (163), cinema (160), film (160), Indochina Project (158), power (156), Italy (156), movies (155), Rome (154), essays (153), racism (151), sovereignty (150), communism (149), psychology (146), HLSSW (145), civil war (144), criticism (140), Marx (137), violence (136), time and socialism project (135), plays (134), children's book (133), memoir (132), spy stuff (129), Russian Revolution (129), French history (128), capitalism (126), Box (125), religion (117), evolution (117), Roman History (115), Southeast Asia (112), theory (110), French Revolution (110), working class (106), espionage (106), model fiction (106), play (104), pdf (104), short stories (103), slavery (103), existentialism (102), spies (102), democracy (102), English Literature (101), waterfront wars (100), Roman Republic (99), picture book (98), 19th century literature (98), Shakespeare (96), art (96), historical novel (95), Asia (94), Trotsky (93), ancient Roman history (93), Asian literature (93), East Asia (93), ancient Rome (93), civil rights (89), Vietnam War (88), textbook (88), physics (88), European history (87), travel (87), autobiography (87), biology (87), Southeast Asian Literature (86), fascism (85), ancient Greek history (85), anarchism (84), revolutionary history (84), historical fiction (84), French literature (84), history of science (83), Sartre (83), philosophy of science (82), Chomsky (81), anthropology (81), World War II (81), Verso Bookclub (78), intellectual history (76), children (76), writing (75), military history (75), architecture (75), Latin America (74), Trotskyism (73), BtVS (73), WWII (72), ancient Greece (72), crime (72), thrift store (71), anthology (71), U.S. terrorism (70), language (70), murder (69), Russia (69), training (68), intellectuals (66), hard copy (66), mathematics (65), culture (65), Renaissance (65), USSR (65), crime fiction (65), mp3 (65), Lenin (65), Hollywood (64), education (64), anti-imperialism (64), Cold War (64), Box 20 (64), 20th century (63), archeology (63), Russian History (63), militarism (63), epub (62), television (62), cities (62), HLSNM1 (62), Soviet Union (62), Leninism (61), Buffy (61), audiobook (61), Buffyverse (61), Buffy the Vampire Slayer (61), HLSNM (61), private eye (60), Noam Chomsky (60), strategy (60), Stalinism (58), music (58), hardback (58), science fiction (58), bureaucracy (58), opening (57), Russian literature (57), positions (57), feminism (57), Em (55), illustrated book (55), math (55), New York history (55), mass market (54), lies (54), fantasy (54), Italian literature (54), private investigator (54), class (52), Athens (52), Athenian history (52), empire (52), corporations (52), games (52), state (52), tactics (51), discarded (51), political theory (51), activism (50), game collection (50), Nabokov (50), Stalin (49), Greek History (49), terrorism (48), vampires (47), hard boiled (47), New York (46), Russian Civil War (46), political philosophy (46), dictatorship (46), counter-revolution (46), terror (45), sex (45), rule of law (45), propaganda (45), Germany (44), world champion (44), astronomy (44), 1960s (44), series (44), Italian history (43), assassination (43), resistance (43), CIA (43), middlegame (43), African-American history (43), modernism (43), letters (42), psychoanalysis (42), 19th century (42), love (42), epistemology (42), France (42), mob (42), abolitionism (41), domination (41), signed copy (41), organized crime (41), German literature (40), 20th century history (40), the Strand (40), constitution (40), freedom (39), LhC project (39), historiography (39), interviews (39), Vietnamese History (39), Bolshevism (38), Caesar (38), World War I (38), paperback (38), hornbook (38), technology (38), linguistics (38), Israel (38), ontology (37), unions (37), poker (37), China (37), Julius Caesar (37), ecology (36), urbanism (36), Communist Party (36), British Literature (35), Palestine (35), world championship (35), foreign policy (35), morality (35), pamphlet (35), peasants (34), materialism (34), death (34), film criticism (34), sartre (34), ethics (34), thriller (34), Box 10 (33), Engels (33), waterfront project tangential (33), reread (33), romanticism (33), contemporary (33), jazz (33), 20th century fiction (33), photographs (33), Paris (32), KGB (32), family (32), 1930s (32), comics (32), urban studies (32), Roman Empire (32), time (32), Catholicism (32)
Nuage des mots-clés, Nuage des auteurs, Miroir des mots-clés
Inscrit depuis
Apr 11, 2006
Nom réel
Jerry Monaco
A propos de ma bibliothèque
It will take a long time for me to catalog my books. It is important to me to touch and confirm the status of the books that are significant to my life. I have suffered fire, flood,loss, and exile. I write this with a sense of self-drama of course. But the result to my library has been the loss of 6,000 books, by my estimate. I miss most the 400 books of my library on abolitionism and slavery, including pamphlets picked up in obscure bookstores. I am sure, along with many bibliophiles, I could write my biography through my books. The books are like little memory palaces of the time and place obtained, of where and when read. But an important part of that biblio-biography would be what has been left behind, left behind in other cities, other countries, distant forgotten rooms in Rio de Janeiro, San Salvador, or Hoboken.

I have also included in this catalog a few books that I have recently checked-out and read from the public library. Some of these books are books that I once owned and were destroyed by fire and water. Some of the books are part of my current studies. I have taken extensive notes on these books. Cataloging those books here helps me to keep track of my notes.

HLSNW = Hallway Loft Shelf Northwall West
HLSNM = Hallway Loft Shelf Northwall Middle
HLSNE = Hallway Loft Shelf Northwall East
HLSNE-B5 = Hallway Loft Shelf Northwall East-Bracket 5

HLSSW1 = Hallway Loft Shelf Northwall West 1st Bracket
HLSSW2A = Hallway Loft Shelf Northwall West 2nd Bracket A
HLSSWM-B3 = Hallway Loft Shelf South Wall Middle - Bracket 3
HLSSWE-B7 = Hallway Loft Shelf South Wall East - Bracket 7
HLSSWM-B5 = Hallway Loft Shelf South Wall Middle - Bracket 5
Lieu (géographique)
New York City
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Autre: Istituto Italiano di Cultura di New York

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