Série éditorialePeople Who Have Helped the World

Abraham Lincoln: Leader of a Nation in Crisis par Anna Sproule 17 exemplaires
Albert Schweitzer: The Doctor Who Gave Up a Brilliant Career to Serve the People of Africa par James Bentley 34 exemplaires
Betty Friedan: Voice for Women's Rights, Advocate of Human Rights par Susan Taylor-Boyd 7 exemplaires
Bob Geldof: Champion of Africa's Hungry People par Charlotte Gray 35 exemplaires
Charlie Chaplin: Comic Genius Who Brought Laughter and Hope to Millions par Pam Brown 29 exemplaires
The Dalai Lama: The Exiled Leader of the People of Tibet and Tireless Worker for World Peace par Christopher Gibb 29 exemplaires
Desmond Tutu : the courageous and eloquent Archbishop struggling against apartheid in South Africa par David Winner 41 exemplaires, 1 critique
Edward R. Murrow: His Courage and Ideals Set the Standard for Broadcast Journalism par Sprague Vonier 8 exemplaires
Eleanor Roosevelt: Defender of Human Rights and Democracy par David Winner 12 exemplaires
Father Damien: The Man Who Lived and Died for the Victims of Leprosy par Pam Brown 39 exemplaires
Florence Nightingale: The Determined Englishwoman Who Founded Modern Nursing and Reformed Military Medicine par Pam Brown 38 exemplaires
Henry Dunant: Founder of the Red Cross, the Relief Organization Dedicated to Helping Suffering People All over the World par Pam Brown 20 exemplaires
Jane Addams: Pioneer in Social Reform and Activist for World Peace par Jacquelyn Mitchard 5 exemplaires
John Muir: Naturalist, Writer, and Guardian of the North American Wilderness par Sally Tolan 29 exemplaires
Lech Walesa: The Leader of Solidarity and Campaigner for Freedom and Human Rights in Poland par Mary Craig 27 exemplaires
Louis Braille: The Inventor of a Way to Read and Write That Has Helped Millions of Blind People Communicate With the World par Beverley Birch 24 exemplaires
Louis Pasteur : the French chemist whose experiments on germs led to the greatest medical breakthrough of all time par Beverley Birch 20 exemplaires
Mahatma Gandhi: The Man Who Freed India and Led the World in Nonviolent Change par Mike Nicholson 30 exemplaires
Maria Montessori: The Italian Doctor Who Revolutionized Education for Young Children par Michael Pollard 39 exemplaires, 1 critique
Marie Curie: Courageous Pioneer in the Study of Radioactivity par Beverley Birch 94 exemplaires
Martin Luther King Jr: America's Great Nonviolent Leader in the Struggle for Human Rights par Valerie Schloredt 51 exemplaires
Mikhail Gorbachev: Revolutionary for Democracy par Anna Sproule 12 exemplaires
Mother Teresa: Servant to the World's Suffering People par Charlotte Gray 66 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Nelson Mandela: Strength and Spirit of a Free South Africa par Benjamin Pogrund 14 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Norman Bethune: Doctor for the People par Anne Corkett 8 exemplaires
Oscar Arias: Peacemaker and Leader Among Nations par Kelli Peduzzi 5 exemplaires
Pasteur's Fight Against Microbes par Beverly Birch 826 exemplaires, 3 critiques
Peter Benenson : taking a stand against injustice--Amnesty International par David Winner 18 exemplaires
Ralph Nader: Crusader for Safe Consumer Products and Lawyer for the Public Interest par Kelli Peduzzi 11 exemplaires
Raoul Wallenberg : the Swedish diplomat who saved 100,000 Jews from the Nazi Holocaust before mysteriously disappearing par Michael Nicholson 37 exemplaires, 2 critiques
Robert Baden Powell: The Story of the Man Who Created the International Scout and Guide Movements par Julia Courtney 11 exemplaires
Sir Peter Scott: Champion for the Environment and Founder of the World Wildlife Fund par Julia Courtney 13 exemplaires
Sojourner Truth: The Courageous Former Slave Whose Eloquence Helped Promote Human Equality par Susan Taylor-Boyd 22 exemplaires

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