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Library Information

Date de la bibliothèque
"AAAA-MM-JJ", "AAAA" "AAAA-MM-JJ avant J-C", "5e-6e siècle avant J-C",
Lieu (géographique)
Informations provenant du Partage des connaissances anglais. Modifiez pour passer à votre langue.
"Boston, Massachusetts, États-Unis", "Londres, Angleterre", "Hôtel Plaza, New York, New York, États-Unis", "Hogwarts", "Alpha du Centaure", "Enfer"
Taille de la bibliothèque (titres)
Nombres de titres dans la bibliothèque. 1459 ; ~50 ; 100-200 ; Inconnu ("de un à n livres")
Library Size (volumes)
Nombres de volumes dans la bibliothèque. 1459 ; ~50 ; 100-200
Informations provenant du Partage des connaissances anglais. Modifiez pour passer à votre langue.
Newspaper advertisement for sale: The Massachusetts Gazette and Boston News-Letter, 24 November 1763, p. 4; 9 December 1763, p. 4; 22 December 1763, p. 2
Newspaper advertisement for sale: The Boston Post-Boy & Advertiser, 28 November 1763, p. 1
Newspaper advertisement for sale: The Boston Gazette, 5 December 1763, p. 4
Newspaper advertisement for sale: The Boston Evening-Post, 12 December 1763, p. 3; 19 December 1763, p. 3
Testament (1765, confirmé en 1784) ; Inventaire après décès (1675)
Library Notes
Informations provenant du Partage des connaissances anglais. Modifiez pour passer à votre langue.
Advertisement text (News-Letter, 24 November and 9 December): "PUblic Notice is hereby given, That the Law-Library of the late Honorable Benjamin Pratt, Esq; deceased, will be exposed to Sale at Public Auction, on Thursday the Twenty-second Day of December next, Three of the Clock, Afternoon, at the Probate-Office in Queen-Street, Boston: His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor having been pleased, out of particular Respect to the worthy Deceased, to permit the Sale to be there held."
Advertisement text (Post-Boy): "PUblic Notice is hereby given, That the Law-Library of the late Honorable Benjamin Pratt, Esq; deceased, will be exposed to Sale at Public Auction, on Thursday the Twenty-second Day of December next, Three of the Clock, Afternoon, at the Probate Office in Queen-Street, Boston: His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor having been pleased out of particular Respect to the worthy Deceased, to permit the Sale to be there held."
Advertisement text (Gazette): "PUblic Notice is hereby given, That the Law-Library of the late Honorable Benjamin Pratt, Esq; deceased, will be exposed to Sale at Public Auction, on Thursday the Twenty-second Day of December next, Three of the Clock, Afternoon, at the Probate-Office in Queen-Street, Boston: His Honor the Lieutenant Governor having been pleased, out of particular Respect to the worthy Deceased, to permit the Sale to be there held."
Advertisement text (Evening-Post): "Public Notice is hereby given, That the Law-Library of the late Hon. Benjamin Pratt, Esq; deceased, will be exposed to Sale at public Auction, on Thursday the 22d Day of December Instant, Three o'Clock, Afternoon, at the Probate-Office in Queen-street, Boston; His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor having been pleased, out of particular Respect to the worthy Deceased, to permit the Sale to be there held."
Advertisement text (News-Letter, 22 December): "PUblic Notice is hereby given. That the Law-Library of the late Honorable Benjamin Pratt, Esq; deceased, will be exposed to Sale at Public Auction, This Afternoon, at Three of the Clock, at the Probate-Office in Queen-Street, Boston: His Honor the Lieutenant-Governor having been pleased, out of particular Respect to the worthy Deceased, to permit the Sale to be there held."
www.example.com, https://www.example.com/, www.example.com/some/url
Provenance Marks
Ex-libris de conception, les marques de propriété commune, etc
Legacy Categories
Informations provenant du Partage des connaissances anglais. Modifiez pour passer à votre langue.
Bibliothèques de la jeune Amérique ; artistes ; signataires de la déclaration d'indépendance ; présidents des États-Unis
Total Book Value
$300 ; �52/10/2
Valeur totale de l'inventaire
$3000 ; �654/13/5
Un nom d'utilisateur de LibraryThing.

Entity Information

Date de naissance
"AAAA-MM-JJ", "AAAA" "AAAA-MM-JJ avant J-C", "5e-6e siècle avant J-C",
Date de décès
"AAAA-MM-JJ", "AAAA" "AAAA-MM-JJ avant J-C", "5e-6e siècle avant J-C",
"Femme," "Homme," "sans objet" ou entrez un texte libre
Lieux de résidence
Informations provenant du Partage des connaissances anglais. Modifiez pour passer à votre langue.
"Boston, Massachusetts, États-Unis", "Paris, France", "Algérie"
Informations provenant du Partage des connaissances anglais. Modifiez pour passer à votre langue.
"Sorbonne (licence ès arts)", "Université d'Oxford (Église du Christ)", "Université du Québec, Montréal"
Informations provenant du Partage des connaissances anglais. Modifiez pour passer à votre langue.
plombier, serveur ou ingénieur
Legacy Connections
Huxley, Julian (frère), Orwell, George (étudiant), Huxley, Leonard (père)