Yard Sales and Remaindered

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Lovely books for a pittance & just-so books for a song, this section isn't about the magnificent treasures of the Eureka! group, but the minor gems which go from 25 cents to two bucks. Serendiptiy and pocket change -what's not to love?

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Finds!1 non-lu / 1varielle, Avril 2013
400 mile Yard Sales etc.1 non-lu / 1varielle, Août 2012
Library Sales18 non-lus / 18Collectorator, Avril 2012
Your best yard sale ever1 non-lu / 1varielle, Août 2011
Message Board2 non-lus / 2varielle, Juin 2011
#1 thing to never buy new1 non-lu / 1imaginelove, Février 2007
Favorites2 non-lus / 2kencf0618, Novembre 2006
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