We of the Laptop

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Users of Laptop computers, whether PC, Mac or Linux, we know no discrimination of format or service provider...

Basically this is a group for Laptop users. That's pretty much all it is.

SujetSujetMessagesDernier message 
What's your laptop?11 non-lus / 11bimasena, Novembre 2016
Linux2 non-lus / 2felius, Janvier 2011
A personal wiki5 non-lus / 5royalhistorian, Janvier 2011
pc or apple laptop?4 non-lus / 4Muscogulus, Novembre 2010
Handheld PC (Cyclopean antiques from the Dawn of Computing)2 non-lus / 2Muscogulus, Juin 2008
Small Laptops?1 non-lu / 1Jakeofalltrades, Février 2008
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