Spaniards who LibraryThing

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Are you from Spain? Are you Spaniard-friendly? Do you LOVE tortilla de patatas? Are you in love with a Spaniard? Are you in love with this lovable country? Are you the Spanish version of a bookworm (ratón de biblioteca)? Then, mi amiga, mi amigo, this is your CASA.

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quien hable espanol?11 non-lus / 11jechartea, Avril 2015
spanish collaboration6 non-lus / 6drasvola, Mai 2010
Spanish picture book for kids5 non-lus / 5ZoeToft, Avril 2010
Stieg Larsson23 non-lus / 23drasvola, Janvier 2010
Roberto Bolano12 non-lus / 12mejix, Novembre 2009
Comprar libros en español en el extranjero2 non-lus / 2xieouyang, Janvier 2009
Esta alguien despierto?1 non-lu / 1xieouyang, Septembre 2008
Pedro Menchén2 non-lus / 2HesterPrynne, Juin 2007
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