Reading Diary 2014

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My attempt to track my annual reading, hold myself to my annual reading resolutions, and read semi-socially. You can join if you want...and if you desire a minimum of interaction, then you're really in luck.

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Brent's Book Journal, 20147 non-lus / 7BeckyJG, Avril 2014
April, 2014: Becky Reads3 non-lus / 3BeckyJG, Avril 2014
March, 2014: Becky Reads6 non-lus / 6BeckyJG, Mars 2014
February, 2014: Becky Reads11 non-lus / 11BeckyJG, Février 2014
Becky's Reading Diary 201418 non-lus / 18BeckyJG, Janvier 2014
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