Published Authors - Marketing

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For first time or unknown authors who have been published, either self or traditionally, to discuss what happens after a book gets into print. How do you get your book on store shelves? What kind of events do you schedule and which work the best? How much does your publisher help in the marketing effort? By sharing ideas and experiences perhaps we can all learn something.

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mixed messages1 non-lu / 1oldstick, Décembre 2011
Value of Facebook2 non-lus / 2oldstick, Avril 2011
Book Signing Experiences of an Unknown Author6 non-lus / 6oldstick, Mars 2011
Reviews1 non-lu / 1SueRoe, Novembre 2010
Thoughts and Marketing 4 Self Publishers1 non-lu / 1meijerbjorn, Juin 2009
Market Your Book Here1 non-lu / 1OldLikeDirt, Mai 2009
Promotional Bookmarks3 non-lus / 3martymagee, Février 2009
Low Budget Marketing Ideas3 non-lus / 3Bonpetitepoodle, Septembre 2008
Marketing2 non-lus / 2Bonpetitepoodle, Septembre 2008
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