Booksellers who LibraryThing

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Swimming in advanced copies you just know you'll get to soon. Unable to convince a customer that Daniel Handler really is Lemony Snicket. Adept at reading the spines of books from dozes of feet away. You, my friend, are a bookseller and this group is your chance to talk about the joys and challenges of working in bookstores.

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Two (at least) bookseller groups; can we combine?3 non-lus / 3tristero1959, Mai 2011
STOOPID & HARD-TO-SHELVE monstrosities of format18 non-lus / 18trollsdotter, Septembre 2009
Advanced Readers Copies/Editions2 non-lus / 2davisfamily, Juillet 2007
binding advice1 non-lu / 1Randy_Hierodule, Mars 2007
Welcome to the Group11 non-lus / 11Ruhrpottsprotte, Janvier 2007
Message Board2 non-lus / 2nickhoonaloon, Décembre 2006
ABA Winter Educational Conference4 non-lus / 4prophetandmistress, Novembre 2006
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