1% in American History

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Discussing books (or articles, videos, etc.) related to how Americans have perceived the economy and their place in it over time. I'm currently researching ideas of oligarchy and inequality from the mid-19th century to the present. Reading a lot of books like Plutocrats and Managed By Markets, but also Looking Backward, Progress and Poverty, and Other People's Money. Looking for readers who share my interest (especially if they don't share my opinions!).

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The Forgotten Spirit of 17761 non-lu / 1TooMuch, Juillet 2016
Matt Taibbi's Divide3 non-lus / 3Dyrfinna, Décembre 2014
Freeland and Taibbi talk plutocracy with Bill Moyers1 non-lu / 1Dan.Allosso, Décembre 2014
Chrystia Freeland TED Talk3 non-lus / 3Dan.Allosso, Décembre 2014
Plutocrats (the book)1 non-lu / 1Dan.Allosso, Décembre 2014
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