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10+ oeuvres 2,251 utilisateurs 79 critiques 5 Favoris

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Œuvres de D. M. Cornish

Terre des monstres, Tome 1 : L'enfant trouvé (2006) 1,307 exemplaires, 48 critiques
Lamplighter (2008) 580 exemplaires, 20 critiques
Factotum (2010) 316 exemplaires, 10 critiques
Tales from the Half-Continent (2014) 22 exemplaires
I Don't Want to Eat My Dinner (2014) 15 exemplaires
1918 (2013) 5 exemplaires, 1 critique
I Don't Want To Go to Bed (2020) 3 exemplaires

Oeuvres associées

Legends of Australian Fantasy (2010) — Contributeur — 63 exemplaires, 1 critique


Partage des connaissances

Nom canonique
Cornish, D. M.
Nom légal
Cornish, David M.
Date de naissance
Prix et distinctions
Aurealis Award (Young Adult Novel, 2006)



Ah, little did I know what I would get into when I picked up the first book in this series. What a wonderful, sad, fitting end to this series. I will miss this little world, with its Men and Monsters.
LinBee83 | 9 autres critiques | Aug 23, 2023 |
Finally it's over.

Faeries of Dreamdark: Blackbringer has a great concept with Magpie Windwich being a Devil Hunting fairy who travels with crows around the land to capture the escaped snags and put them back in their bottles. There's a new problem in her fun filled world and its called the Blackbringer and its going to destroy Dreamdark if Magpie cant stop it!

However the book just seemed to go on and on and on and on and on and....... and on and on.
While the plot was a gripping idea the actual story was....boring.
After reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone I knew that Laini Taylor was one for making poetry out of words, thus making the story longer. However in this story it never worked in favour and instead made this book long winded and hard to convince oneself to pick up the damn book and finish it.

At times this book was good and I found myself wondering what was going to happen next eagerly turning the find Im back to reading something of no interest whatsoever.

I loved the crows in this book though, I love how caring they are towards Magpie and how they treat her like one of their own, the dialogue was also a good if not risky idea, as not many people can understand the aye's, nays and kens of the Scottish language. It gave the characters a bit more depth to them and made them a little more likable.

I did find myself thinking of this story to be much like Fern Gully, I know the story is a completely different thing but the way Magpie's character comes across made me picture the stubborn fairy in that cartoon.

the reason for the two stars is simple. I really wanted to but didn't enjoy the story, and I found its saving graces to be the minor characters and the dialogue.
I dont like rating less than two as I understand that a lot of effort goes into writing the stories and regardless of my opinion on a book (unless I find it truly terrible) no book deserves a one star rating

I look forward to the next installment of Daughter of Smoke and Bone Miss Taylor!
… (plus d'informations)
Enchanten | 9 autres critiques | Mar 12, 2023 |
Didn't see that one coming. But you're going to have to go read it yourself. I am working through the Foundling's Tale and just finished the second book. What a ride! On the one hand, I respect the author's meticulous detail creating a world with people and monsters. Characters with place names from our world (I caught Europe and Idaho amongst others. On the other hand, the print is small and no detail can be missed or you are missing the whole scene. The back third of the book is the background, glossary, etc. I put this creation on par with Middle Earth.… (plus d'informations)
bdinsman | 19 autres critiques | Sep 10, 2020 |
Rivaling Tolkein and Robert L Jordan, Cornish has created an entire world (well, half continent), including creatures, language, everything. Truly a masterful fantasy storyteller. I enjoyed the entire series but I won't spoil the big climax. Suffice it to say that Rosamund in an enigma, hard to quantify.
bdinsman | 9 autres critiques | Sep 10, 2020 |


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