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Pro BizTalk 2009 (Expert's Voice in BizTalk Server)

par George Dunphy

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A compendium of best practices and implementation wisdom, Pro BizTalk 2009 is a revision of the highly-successful and best-selling Pro BizTalk 2006. The book has been fully updated to cover developments in BizTalk 2009. You'll find chapters on topics such as developing WCF-compliant adapters using the WCF LOB adapter SDK, connecting BizTalk to IBM mainframe line-of-business applications and data using the Host Integration Server adapter, and riding the Enterprise Service Bus. All other chapters in the book have been updated to reflect developments in BizTalk 2009. Pro BizTalk 2009 is based upon real feedback from BizTalk developers. It is written by recognized experts George Dunphy and Sergei Moukhnitski, backed by a team of top-notch co-authors. The book is a labor of love in which the authors share their experiences and expertise to teach you the art of creating a BizTalk solution using the right tools from the BizTalk 2009 toolbox. Fully updated to cover developments in BizTalk 2009 Focuses on the art of creating a BizTalk solution by helping readers choose the right tool from the BizTalk toolbox for the task at hand Based upon the real-life experience of authors with many years of practice implementing BizTalk solutions for large enterprises… (plus d'informations)

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A compendium of best practices and implementation wisdom, Pro BizTalk 2009 is a revision of the highly-successful and best-selling Pro BizTalk 2006. The book has been fully updated to cover developments in BizTalk 2009. You'll find chapters on topics such as developing WCF-compliant adapters using the WCF LOB adapter SDK, connecting BizTalk to IBM mainframe line-of-business applications and data using the Host Integration Server adapter, and riding the Enterprise Service Bus. All other chapters in the book have been updated to reflect developments in BizTalk 2009. Pro BizTalk 2009 is based upon real feedback from BizTalk developers. It is written by recognized experts George Dunphy and Sergei Moukhnitski, backed by a team of top-notch co-authors. The book is a labor of love in which the authors share their experiences and expertise to teach you the art of creating a BizTalk solution using the right tools from the BizTalk 2009 toolbox. Fully updated to cover developments in BizTalk 2009 Focuses on the art of creating a BizTalk solution by helping readers choose the right tool from the BizTalk toolbox for the task at hand Based upon the real-life experience of authors with many years of practice implementing BizTalk solutions for large enterprises

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