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Samalio Pardulus par Otto Julius Bierbaum

Samalio Pardulus (original 1908; édition 2019)

par Otto Julius Bierbaum (Auteur), W. C. Bamberger (Traducteur), Alfred Kubin (Artist)

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In an isolated castle on the outskirts of a city in the Albanian mountains, the wildly ugly painter of blasphemies, Samalio Pardulus, executes works too monstrous to bear viewing, and espouses a philosophy that posits a grotesque world which reflects the ravings of a dead, grotesque god. Told through the horrified account of Messer Giacomo (a mediocre artist at once repulsed and fascinated by the events unfolding around him), Samalio Pardulus describes the simultaneous descent and ascent of the titular antihero into a passionate perversion of Catholicism in which love and madness become one, as a dark, incestuous incubus settles into a doomed family.When it was first published in 1908, Otto Julius Bierbaum's gothic novella--the first of his Sonderbare Geschichten ("Weird Stories")--offered a Gnostic stepping-stone between German Romanticism and the nascent Expressionism that had not yet taken root. It presents the grotesque not just as a way of life, but as a godly path to a higher vision, even when it appears to be but a manifestation of evil.This first English edition includes the full set of illustrations by Alfred Kubin from the book's 1911 German edition.Otto Julius Bierbaum (1865-1910) was a German novelist, poet, journalist and editor. His 1897 novel Stilpe inspired the first cabaret venue in Berlin a few years later; his last novel, the 1909 Yankeedoodlefahrt, produced a German proverb still in use today: "Humor is when you laugh anyway."… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Samalio Pardulus
Auteurs:Otto Julius Bierbaum (Auteur)
Autres auteurs:W. C. Bamberger (Traducteur), Alfred Kubin (Artist)
Info:Wakefield Press (2019), 88 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Samalio Pardulus par Otto Julius Bierbaum (1908)


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 The Chapel of the Abyss: Samalio Pardulus7 non-lus / 7CharlesFerdinand, Juillet 2021

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Samalio Pardulus is named after its principal character, a creature of transcendent decadence and misanthropy in the mode of the earlier Des Essientes of Huysmans and the later Fantazius Mallare of Ben Hecht. Like Huysmans, author Bierbaum was involved in the Symbolist culture that detached itself from Romanticism and contributed to Expressionism, although in this little book the Gothic elements are quite palpable.

Samalio Pardulus was a painter in medieval Albania. Rather than documenting him from an omniscient third-person narrator as in À rebours or through the medium of his own written journals as in Fantazius Mallare, Bierbaum places two narrative frames between the reader and the character. First, there is a "staid philistine" Italian painter Messer Giacomo, imported to instruct Samalio, whose journals form the purported documentary basis of the story in the form of extensive quotations. Then there is the anonymous archivist who introduces and comments on Giacomo's account. Through the course of the book, this archivist outside of the quotes retreats to invisibility, having left behind only a suitable readerly suspicion regarding Giacomo's perceptiveness.

Samalio himself is ugly, talented, and blasphemous. He is concerned with making objects out of his imaginings, and to the extent that this work tends to horrify his pious teacher, his explanations of it become theological, deprecating a cosmic demiurge and exalting his own "godly pleasure in the grotesque" (14). Beyond his inchoate gnosticism and solipsism, Samalio defines himself with incestuous ambitions for his beautiful sister. These eventuate in a numinous domestic apocalypse. The interrelation of the principal characters--Samalio, his sister Maria Bianca, their father the Count, an unnamed watchman, and Messer Giacomo--eventually becomes so outre that it awoke in me suspicions of allegory.

This first English edition is illustrated with many full-page charcoal drawings by Alfred Kubin that appeared in the original 1911 German edition. Some of these depict Samalio's paintings, but most are scenes from the novel.
3 voter paradoxosalpha | Jan 7, 2020 |
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Otto Julius Bierbaumauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Kubin, AlfredIllustrateurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Bamberger, W. C.Traducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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In an isolated castle on the outskirts of a city in the Albanian mountains, the wildly ugly painter of blasphemies, Samalio Pardulus, executes works too monstrous to bear viewing, and espouses a philosophy that posits a grotesque world which reflects the ravings of a dead, grotesque god. Told through the horrified account of Messer Giacomo (a mediocre artist at once repulsed and fascinated by the events unfolding around him), Samalio Pardulus describes the simultaneous descent and ascent of the titular antihero into a passionate perversion of Catholicism in which love and madness become one, as a dark, incestuous incubus settles into a doomed family.When it was first published in 1908, Otto Julius Bierbaum's gothic novella--the first of his Sonderbare Geschichten ("Weird Stories")--offered a Gnostic stepping-stone between German Romanticism and the nascent Expressionism that had not yet taken root. It presents the grotesque not just as a way of life, but as a godly path to a higher vision, even when it appears to be but a manifestation of evil.This first English edition includes the full set of illustrations by Alfred Kubin from the book's 1911 German edition.Otto Julius Bierbaum (1865-1910) was a German novelist, poet, journalist and editor. His 1897 novel Stilpe inspired the first cabaret venue in Berlin a few years later; his last novel, the 1909 Yankeedoodlefahrt, produced a German proverb still in use today: "Humor is when you laugh anyway."

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