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Country Houses of Tuscany par Barbara…

Country Houses of Tuscany (édition 2000)

par Barbara Stoeltie, Rene Stoeltie, Taschen (Directeur de publication)

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Another book on Tuscany? Is it still possible to discover something new there? Barbara and Rene Stoeltie prove that it is. They have found the most beautiful country houses in the remote towns of Chiusi and Montalcino and in the Chianti and the wild Maremma region. These romantic farmhouses and isolated villas have been photographed exclusively by Rent Stoeltie for the third volume in the successful ""Country Homes"" series. Rene is a master at capturing the soft light of Tuscany which, once seen, is never forgotten. It Floods the interiors and paints cryptic messages on the uneven terracotta floor tiles. In a corner, bathed in the famous ""sfumato,"" a timeless still life consisting of a picture of the Virgin and a kitschy infant Jesus. Barbara Stoeltie writes consummately on the landscape and its inhabitants, on the hermitage in a hidden river valley near Arezzo, the ""fattoria"" with its award-winning wine, the palazzo in the moon-like landscape of Siennese Crete and the Renaissance villa near Sienna, formerly the country home of the Chigi family. She also managed to entice from the owners of these houses their favourite recipes for classic Tuscan dishes such as ""fagioli"" or ""ribollita,"" wholesome food that is quick and easy to prepare. A tempting invitation to rediscover Tuscany!… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Country Houses of Tuscany
Auteurs:Barbara Stoeltie
Autres auteurs:Rene Stoeltie, Taschen (Directeur de publication)
Info:Taschen (2000), Edition: First Edition, Hardcover, 192 pages
Collections:Liste de livres désirés

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Les maisons romantiques de Toscane par Barbara Stoeltie


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Barbara Stoeltieauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Stoeltie, Renéauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Keul, CatinkaConcepteurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Taschen, AngelikaDirecteur de publicationauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Roberts, AnthonyTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé
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Another book on Tuscany? Is it still possible to discover something new there? Barbara and Rene Stoeltie prove that it is. They have found the most beautiful country houses in the remote towns of Chiusi and Montalcino and in the Chianti and the wild Maremma region. These romantic farmhouses and isolated villas have been photographed exclusively by Rent Stoeltie for the third volume in the successful ""Country Homes"" series. Rene is a master at capturing the soft light of Tuscany which, once seen, is never forgotten. It Floods the interiors and paints cryptic messages on the uneven terracotta floor tiles. In a corner, bathed in the famous ""sfumato,"" a timeless still life consisting of a picture of the Virgin and a kitschy infant Jesus. Barbara Stoeltie writes consummately on the landscape and its inhabitants, on the hermitage in a hidden river valley near Arezzo, the ""fattoria"" with its award-winning wine, the palazzo in the moon-like landscape of Siennese Crete and the Renaissance villa near Sienna, formerly the country home of the Chigi family. She also managed to entice from the owners of these houses their favourite recipes for classic Tuscan dishes such as ""fagioli"" or ""ribollita,"" wholesome food that is quick and easy to prepare. A tempting invitation to rediscover Tuscany!

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