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The Hurt Locker: The Shooting Script (Newmarket Shooting Script)

par Mark Boal

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One of the most critically acclaimed war films in recent memory, The Hurt Locker is a riveting, extraordinary tale of courage and survival on the Baghdad bomb squad, directed by Kathryn Bigelow, from a script by Mark Boal, who researched the material by traveling to the war in Iraq. Boal's screenplay follows the layered, complex relationship between three soldiers who are thrown together in the crucible of combat--with only 38 days left in their tour. Starring Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Brian Geraghty, and Evangeline Lilly, with Guy Pearce, Ralph Fiennes, and David Morse. This Newmarket Shooting Script® Book includes: Exclusive Introduction by Kathyrn Bigelow Complete shooting script 16-page color insert with 23 color photos Production Notes Storyboards Complete cast and crew credits… (plus d'informations)

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One of the most critically acclaimed war films in recent memory, The Hurt Locker is a riveting, extraordinary tale of courage and survival on the Baghdad bomb squad, directed by Kathryn Bigelow, from a script by Mark Boal, who researched the material by traveling to the war in Iraq. Boal's screenplay follows the layered, complex relationship between three soldiers who are thrown together in the crucible of combat--with only 38 days left in their tour. Starring Jeremy Renner, Anthony Mackie, Brian Geraghty, and Evangeline Lilly, with Guy Pearce, Ralph Fiennes, and David Morse. This Newmarket Shooting Script® Book includes: Exclusive Introduction by Kathyrn Bigelow Complete shooting script 16-page color insert with 23 color photos Production Notes Storyboards Complete cast and crew credits

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