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Strawberry 100%: Volume 10

par Mizuki Kawashita

Séries: Strawberry 100% (10)

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One boy's quest for a goddess in strawberry print panties. A juicy romantic comedy about life, liberty and the pursuit of strawberry print panties. R to L (Japanese Style). Events whirl around the impending debut of Junpei's new movie, from kidnappings to quarreling couples to the struggle to pull in an audience! Then there's the big question--can the film win a big enough prize to cover the expenses for all of this? EXT. Rooftop of a school building, sunet. The hero (me, Junpei Manaka!) sneaks up to the roof to see the sunset. When he opens the door, he startles a mysterious beauty. She panics and runs away, but not before Junpei has caught sight of her adorable strawberry print EXTREME close-up. With that vision forever burned into his memory, Junpei embarks on a quest to find the girl, and the panties, of his dreams! FADE OUT… (plus d'informations)

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One boy's quest for a goddess in strawberry print panties. A juicy romantic comedy about life, liberty and the pursuit of strawberry print panties. R to L (Japanese Style). Events whirl around the impending debut of Junpei's new movie, from kidnappings to quarreling couples to the struggle to pull in an audience! Then there's the big question--can the film win a big enough prize to cover the expenses for all of this? EXT. Rooftop of a school building, sunet. The hero (me, Junpei Manaka!) sneaks up to the roof to see the sunset. When he opens the door, he startles a mysterious beauty. She panics and runs away, but not before Junpei has caught sight of her adorable strawberry print EXTREME close-up. With that vision forever burned into his memory, Junpei embarks on a quest to find the girl, and the panties, of his dreams! FADE OUT

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