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Conduct Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence (Cambridge Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)

par Jonathan Hill (Directeur de publication), Barbara Maughan (Directeur de publication)

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Conduct disorders are very common and the most frequent reason for clinical referrals to child and adolescent mental health facilities. Aggression and oppositional behaviour in youth often becomes persistent, and substantially increases the likelihood of adult problems of criminality, unstable relationships, psychiatric disorder, and harsh parenting. This comprehensive book by leading clinicians and researchers reviews established and emerging aspects of conduct disorder. It highlights the complexity and probable heterogeneity of the condition, including the biological, neuropsychological, and cognitive factors, and the role of attachment and family influences. Preventive and treatment approaches and outcomes are reviewed, with developmental and gender-based variations emphasized throughout. Integrating findings from a wide range of research perspectives, this is a uniquely authoritative survey of a common clinical and social problem, and will be essential reading for mental health practitioners and others with clinical, sociological or medicolegal interests in child health and behaviour.… (plus d'informations)

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Hill, JonathanDirecteur de publicationauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Maughan, BarbaraDirecteur de publicationauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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Conduct disorders are very common and the most frequent reason for clinical referrals to child and adolescent mental health facilities. Aggression and oppositional behaviour in youth often becomes persistent, and substantially increases the likelihood of adult problems of criminality, unstable relationships, psychiatric disorder, and harsh parenting. This comprehensive book by leading clinicians and researchers reviews established and emerging aspects of conduct disorder. It highlights the complexity and probable heterogeneity of the condition, including the biological, neuropsychological, and cognitive factors, and the role of attachment and family influences. Preventive and treatment approaches and outcomes are reviewed, with developmental and gender-based variations emphasized throughout. Integrating findings from a wide range of research perspectives, this is a uniquely authoritative survey of a common clinical and social problem, and will be essential reading for mental health practitioners and others with clinical, sociological or medicolegal interests in child health and behaviour.

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