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Just Be Nice to Your Little Friends! (Pooh:…

Just Be Nice to Your Little Friends! (Pooh: Just Be Nice) (original 1996; édition 1996)

par Caroline Kenneth (Auteur)

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335480,403 (3.2)1
Winnie the Pooh and his friends learn to be friends with the bees, butterflies and birds.
Titre:Just Be Nice to Your Little Friends! (Pooh: Just Be Nice)
Auteurs:Caroline Kenneth (Auteur)
Info:Golden Books (1996), 24 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Just Be Nice . . . to Your Little Friends! par Caroline Kenneth (1996)


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Christopher Robin asks Pooh and his friends about the birds and the bees. They respond with examples of release, quid quo pro, and consent.

(My Pooh Project: I love Winnie the Pooh, and so does my wife. Having a daughter gave us a chance to indoctrinate her into the cult by buying and reading her every Pooh book we came across. How many is that? I’m going to count them this year by reading and reviewing one every day and seeing which month I finally run out. Track my progress here: ) ( )
  villemezbrown | Feb 26, 2022 |
This book is an example of Fantasy because the characters that talk and move around in the book are animals and we know that in real life bears, rabbits and pigs do not talk. The Author uses personification in this book as his gives each of these animals human characteristics. For example, Tigger (the tiger) says "We're going to have the bestest butterfly collection ever!" We know that he is being attributed the gift of human speech. The illustrations in this book are done with ink, oil pastels and computer generation. The story has a great moral. Pooh runs out of honey and he goes into the woods and takes alot for himself. Roo and Tigger collect butterflies in jars, and Rabbit chases birds out of her garden. The main characters realize that the hundred acre woods seemed quiet and unhappy. Pooh decides that they need to be nicer to their little friends. He returns the bee hive and asks for honey. Tigger and Roo release the butterflies and Rabbit agrees to share some of her vegetables with the birds. Everyone is much happier when they are being considerate of others and sharing.
  bekahhynes | Mar 5, 2009 |
It's Silent Spring for toddlers!
1 voter Buddywuddy | Dec 28, 2008 |
Rabbit chased all the birds out of the garden. Pooh accidentally knocked down the bees' hive. Then Tigger and Roo caught all the butterflies and put them in jars. Pooh and the residents of the Hundred-Acre Wood learn a valuable lesson about being nice to their little animal friends. -- GoodReads
Pooh discovers that there are fewer bees around after he raids the hive and sees the effect of his actions --
  EKiddieKollege | Aug 14, 2020 |
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Pooh awoke one morning with a rumbly in his tummy.
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Winnie the Pooh and his friends learn to be friends with the bees, butterflies and birds.

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