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Preaching Without Notes par Joseph M. Webb

Preaching Without Notes (édition 2001)

par Joseph M. Webb (Auteur)

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1892149,165 (3.63)Aucun
In this important book, Webb makes two central claims. First, that effective preaching without a manuscript is not a matter of talent as much as it is a matter of preparation. Preachers can learn the practices and disciplines that make it possible to deliver articulate, thoughtfully crafted sermons, not from a written page, but as a natural, spontaneous act of oral communication. Throughout the book, the author offers specific examples including a transcript of a sermon preached without manuscript or notes. Second, that the payoff of learning to preach without a manuscript is nothing less than sermons that more effectively and engagingly give witness to the good news.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Preaching Without Notes
Auteurs:Joseph M. Webb (Auteur)
Info:Abingdon Press (2001), 136 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Preaching Without Notes par Joseph M. Webb


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Very helpful and practical. Now I need to give it a try! ( )
  gwhittick | Jun 25, 2015 |
The preceding chapters detail how a sermon can be developed to be preached without notes, but I believe the book is worth the price just for the sermon itself, "Writing Your Own Gospel," which is manuscripted in the Appendix,

The author makes a solid case for preaching without notes in the Introduction. The following four chapters describe how to do it in fine detail:

1. Planning the Sermon Without Notes: Monday
2. Creating the Sermon Outline: Tuesday and Wednesday
3. Memorizing the Sermon Outline: Thursday and Friday
4. Delivering the Sermon Without Notes: Sunday

Everything about the book -- and the methodology -- is simple and doable. Of course discipline is needed and that might be more than some can muster (and master!).

Many preachers and seminarians would be well-served to read the book and follow the principles and practices described by the author. No index. ( )
  SCRH | Feb 5, 2009 |
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In this important book, Webb makes two central claims. First, that effective preaching without a manuscript is not a matter of talent as much as it is a matter of preparation. Preachers can learn the practices and disciplines that make it possible to deliver articulate, thoughtfully crafted sermons, not from a written page, but as a natural, spontaneous act of oral communication. Throughout the book, the author offers specific examples including a transcript of a sermon preached without manuscript or notes. Second, that the payoff of learning to preach without a manuscript is nothing less than sermons that more effectively and engagingly give witness to the good news.

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