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Horse Anatomy: A Pictorial Approach to Equine Structure

par Peter Goody

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This second edition ofHorse Anatomy: A Pictorial Approach to Equine Structure has been completely revised and enlarged. Its original 25 pages of illustrations have more than doubled and now include over 250 individual drawings. All of these drawings have been specially prepared for this new edition by John Goody, and all are fully labelled and annotated in the accompanying legends. The text is primarily intended to explain and in many instances to expand upon the content of the drawings. The basic make-up of the horse is considered with the "points" of the horse being shown from several different views. Bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments providing the anatomical basis for these surface points are dealt with in some detail, the emphasis being placed throughout on those structures that can be seen or felt from the surface of the body. Component parts of the digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive systems are shown in a number of the drawings, as are nerves and blood vessels. Special consideration is given to the structure of the head, with the emphasis on the nasal cavity, teeth, larynx and guttural pouches.The structure of the limbs is also illustrated in considerable detail, especially the foot, and reference is made to injuries and diseases that can result in poor conformation. The wealth of information contained in the book will be of great interest and value to veterinary and equine studies students, to owners, riders and breeders--in fact anyone desiring to know more about the structure of the horse and what makes it one of the most beautiful of animals.… (plus d'informations)

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This second edition ofHorse Anatomy: A Pictorial Approach to Equine Structure has been completely revised and enlarged. Its original 25 pages of illustrations have more than doubled and now include over 250 individual drawings. All of these drawings have been specially prepared for this new edition by John Goody, and all are fully labelled and annotated in the accompanying legends. The text is primarily intended to explain and in many instances to expand upon the content of the drawings. The basic make-up of the horse is considered with the "points" of the horse being shown from several different views. Bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments providing the anatomical basis for these surface points are dealt with in some detail, the emphasis being placed throughout on those structures that can be seen or felt from the surface of the body. Component parts of the digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive systems are shown in a number of the drawings, as are nerves and blood vessels. Special consideration is given to the structure of the head, with the emphasis on the nasal cavity, teeth, larynx and guttural pouches.The structure of the limbs is also illustrated in considerable detail, especially the foot, and reference is made to injuries and diseases that can result in poor conformation. The wealth of information contained in the book will be of great interest and value to veterinary and equine studies students, to owners, riders and breeders--in fact anyone desiring to know more about the structure of the horse and what makes it one of the most beautiful of animals.

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