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Mandie and the Secret Tunnel (Mandie, Book…

Mandie and the Secret Tunnel (Mandie, Book 1) (original 1983; édition 1983)

par Lois Gladys Leppard (Auteur)

Séries: Mandie Mysteries (1)

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1,352914,564 (3.72)6
When 11-year-old Mandie Shaw's father dies, her life reaches a low point. Unwanted by a mother who has never loved her, the only things she looks forward to are visits from the man she calls "Uncle Ned"-a full-blooded Cherokee Indian. Longing for a home where she will be truly loved, Mandie seeks out family she has never met. After a perilous journey, she finds herself in the middle of luxury she can scarcely believe-and a mystery that will take all her brains and courage to solve. With turn-of-the-century North Carolina as her backdrop, Lois Leppard explores issues of race, religion, and family in this novel of a young girl's search to unravel the mystery of her identity. Kate Forbes' narration brilliantly brings life to the colorful characters and many twists Mandie encounters in this first book of a best-selling inspirational series.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Mandie and the Secret Tunnel (Mandie, Book 1)
Auteurs:Lois Gladys Leppard (Auteur)
Info:Bethany House (1983), Edition: 1sr, 141 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Mandie and the Secret Tunnel par Lois Gladys Leppard (1983)


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» Voir aussi les 6 mentions

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Definitely a book (and series) that I am leaving in the past to slowly romanticise more as time goes on. I loved this as a kid, and was obsessed with Mandie and her adventures, but after a reread I am really not a fan. I'll keep on remembering with fond memories, but that is it. ( )
  erinla | Oct 31, 2017 |
Oh man, I must have read a dozen or two of this YA series when I was younger, and had COMPLETELY forgotten about them, but I saw this cover and they all came rushing back. I used to love them so much, but I remember the oddest detail: I disliked the font used for the story, because the first and last strokes of the capital M (as in Mandie, so it occurred frequently) were angled, so the M looked clunky. Yes, I was a strange seven- or eight-year-old... ( )
  BraveNewBks | Mar 10, 2016 |
In 1900, Mandie is searching her dead uncle's mansion for a missing will when she finds a secret tunnel and strangers who claim to be her relatives.
  lkmuir | Dec 7, 2015 |
Awesome mystery for beginning readers nine to twelve juvenile series! ( )
  allygggggg | May 26, 2014 |
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When 11-year-old Mandie Shaw's father dies, her life reaches a low point. Unwanted by a mother who has never loved her, the only things she looks forward to are visits from the man she calls "Uncle Ned"-a full-blooded Cherokee Indian. Longing for a home where she will be truly loved, Mandie seeks out family she has never met. After a perilous journey, she finds herself in the middle of luxury she can scarcely believe-and a mystery that will take all her brains and courage to solve. With turn-of-the-century North Carolina as her backdrop, Lois Leppard explores issues of race, religion, and family in this novel of a young girl's search to unravel the mystery of her identity. Kate Forbes' narration brilliantly brings life to the colorful characters and many twists Mandie encounters in this first book of a best-selling inspirational series.

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Moyenne: (3.72)
1 1
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3 23
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4 20
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5 17

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