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Computer Law: The Law and Regulation of Information Technology

par Chris Reed

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Early treatment of computer law was no more than the application of existing principles to novel sets of facts. Today it has been recognized generally that computing technology does indeed give rise to unique legal problems which are not resolvable by applying existing legal principles. Thisis particularly apparent where transactions are carried out through the exchange of digital information rather than human interaction. The developing law which seeks to resolve these problems is at the heart of the latest edition of this book, now established as a standard text on computer andinformation technology law for both students and practitioners. Topics covered range from contractual matters and intellectual property protection to electronic commerce, data protection and liability of internet service providers. Competition law issues are integrated into the various commercialsections as they arise to indicate their interaction with information technology law.The new edition of this established book has been completely updated to cover the significant changes in information technology law since the last edition, which have included the landmark Supreme Court decision in MGM v Grokster. The book has also been restructured for ease of reference intosections dedicated to broader topics. These include: a section on commercial exploitation of information technology products and services, with a new chapter on mass market online and technology contracting; an expanded section on online commerce, as opposed to e-commerce alone, covering bothe-commerce transactions, and online intermediaries; and a section devoted to intellectual property issues in information technology law, with a new chapter treating online use of trade marks, and domain names.… (plus d'informations)

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LCC canonique

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Early treatment of computer law was no more than the application of existing principles to novel sets of facts. Today it has been recognized generally that computing technology does indeed give rise to unique legal problems which are not resolvable by applying existing legal principles. Thisis particularly apparent where transactions are carried out through the exchange of digital information rather than human interaction. The developing law which seeks to resolve these problems is at the heart of the latest edition of this book, now established as a standard text on computer andinformation technology law for both students and practitioners. Topics covered range from contractual matters and intellectual property protection to electronic commerce, data protection and liability of internet service providers. Competition law issues are integrated into the various commercialsections as they arise to indicate their interaction with information technology law.The new edition of this established book has been completely updated to cover the significant changes in information technology law since the last edition, which have included the landmark Supreme Court decision in MGM v Grokster. The book has also been restructured for ease of reference intosections dedicated to broader topics. These include: a section on commercial exploitation of information technology products and services, with a new chapter on mass market online and technology contracting; an expanded section on online commerce, as opposed to e-commerce alone, covering bothe-commerce transactions, and online intermediaries; and a section devoted to intellectual property issues in information technology law, with a new chapter treating online use of trade marks, and domain names.

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