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The Spear of Tyranny

par Grant R. Jeffrey

Autres auteurs: Angela Elwell Hunt (Auteur)

Séries: Millennium Bug Series (3), Millennium Bug (3)

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Fiction. Literature. HTML:

The unforgettable sequel to By Dawn's Early Light. A tale of faith, love, terror– and hope.

It seems like a dream come true.

Especially to a world ravaged by war and exhausted by drought. Especially to a society grown fearful from widespread crime and mystified by mass disappearances and unprovoked animal attacks. And especially to a young Israeli couple devastated by their own, very personal loss and unable to reach out to each other in their private pain.

After centuries of war and decades of crime, the prospect of international harmony is tantalizing the tiny nation of Israel. After millennia of waiting, the prospect of a rebuilt Temple on Jerusalem's holy mount seems a miraculous gift. And to Israeli Major Isaac Ben–David, disillusioned by loss and hungry for meaning, the opportunity to work for peace is all but irresistible.

Isaac's opportunity lies with Adrian Romulus, the president of the European Union Council of Ministers. He's a charismatic, visionary world leader with a workable plan for solving the world's problems. Tall, handsome, and deeply spiritual, he is also personally interested in the nation of Israel. Everyone agrees he's a man who can bring peace to a troubled world.

But why do thoughts of Romulus trouble Isaac's wife, Sarah, an Israeli security officer? How can Romulus know Isaac and Sarah's most private secrets? And why is he so obsessed with an ancient spearhead in an Austrian museum?

Just who is Adrian Romulus, anyway?

And what are his plans for Isaac Ben–David–and the world?

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Jeffrey, Grant R.Auteurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Hunt, Angela ElwellAuteurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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Wikipédia en anglais (1)

Fiction. Literature. HTML:

The unforgettable sequel to By Dawn's Early Light. A tale of faith, love, terror– and hope.

It seems like a dream come true.

Especially to a world ravaged by war and exhausted by drought. Especially to a society grown fearful from widespread crime and mystified by mass disappearances and unprovoked animal attacks. And especially to a young Israeli couple devastated by their own, very personal loss and unable to reach out to each other in their private pain.

After centuries of war and decades of crime, the prospect of international harmony is tantalizing the tiny nation of Israel. After millennia of waiting, the prospect of a rebuilt Temple on Jerusalem's holy mount seems a miraculous gift. And to Israeli Major Isaac Ben–David, disillusioned by loss and hungry for meaning, the opportunity to work for peace is all but irresistible.

Isaac's opportunity lies with Adrian Romulus, the president of the European Union Council of Ministers. He's a charismatic, visionary world leader with a workable plan for solving the world's problems. Tall, handsome, and deeply spiritual, he is also personally interested in the nation of Israel. Everyone agrees he's a man who can bring peace to a troubled world.

But why do thoughts of Romulus trouble Isaac's wife, Sarah, an Israeli security officer? How can Romulus know Isaac and Sarah's most private secrets? And why is he so obsessed with an ancient spearhead in an Austrian museum?

Just who is Adrian Romulus, anyway?

And what are his plans for Isaac Ben–David–and the world?


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