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Nuts, Bolts, and Jolts: Fundamental Business and Life Lessons You Must Know

par Richard A. Moran

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"There isn't anyone with a job that can't find a few ideas here that they can use to improve the quality of their work or their a minimum the reader will find plenty of observations that they can claim as their own to establish a reputation as witty, insightful, and good to have at a cocktail party." George Bailey, General Manager - Electronics Division, IBM; Author of A Thousand Tribes "If you have ever looked at your own behavior and asked yourself, 'How could anyone be that dumb?' you need to read Rich's books. They make three things abundantly clear. 1) It is easy to be dumb. 2) You are not alone. 3) There are rules for avoiding being dumb, which he has been kind enough to write down for you. Enjoy." Geoffrey Moore, author of Crossing the Chasm, Inside the Tornado, Dealing with Darwin "This is all the stuff you never learn in management training but everyone expects you to know. For everyone in business this book will make you say 'I wish someone had told me.' Moran is telling you." Hap Brakeley, Managing Director, Accenture Solutions "Rich Moran's Nuts, Bolts, and Jolts is a rare gem of a book. First of all, it's hysterically funny. Moran could hold his own as a stand-up comic. But don't be fooled by the humor; Moran may be a funny guy, but he's also genuinely serious about the advice he gives. And he has the business experience to back it up." Jim Kouzes, award-winning author of the best-selling The Leadership Challenge "What a great book After IQ and EQ comes BQ, and Rich Moran - a Studs Terkel for the digital age - delivers with the clarity of an executive summary and the impact of an entire encyclopedia." Dr. John Kao, author of Jamming… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parMikaMoore, PATTON608, ringthebell, wailung

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"There isn't anyone with a job that can't find a few ideas here that they can use to improve the quality of their work or their a minimum the reader will find plenty of observations that they can claim as their own to establish a reputation as witty, insightful, and good to have at a cocktail party." George Bailey, General Manager - Electronics Division, IBM; Author of A Thousand Tribes "If you have ever looked at your own behavior and asked yourself, 'How could anyone be that dumb?' you need to read Rich's books. They make three things abundantly clear. 1) It is easy to be dumb. 2) You are not alone. 3) There are rules for avoiding being dumb, which he has been kind enough to write down for you. Enjoy." Geoffrey Moore, author of Crossing the Chasm, Inside the Tornado, Dealing with Darwin "This is all the stuff you never learn in management training but everyone expects you to know. For everyone in business this book will make you say 'I wish someone had told me.' Moran is telling you." Hap Brakeley, Managing Director, Accenture Solutions "Rich Moran's Nuts, Bolts, and Jolts is a rare gem of a book. First of all, it's hysterically funny. Moran could hold his own as a stand-up comic. But don't be fooled by the humor; Moran may be a funny guy, but he's also genuinely serious about the advice he gives. And he has the business experience to back it up." Jim Kouzes, award-winning author of the best-selling The Leadership Challenge "What a great book After IQ and EQ comes BQ, and Rich Moran - a Studs Terkel for the digital age - delivers with the clarity of an executive summary and the impact of an entire encyclopedia." Dr. John Kao, author of Jamming

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