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Living in Istanbul

par Kenizé Mourad, Jerome Darblay (Photographe)

Autres auteurs: John Freely (Contributeur), Kenize Mourad (Preface)

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32Aucun773,413 (3.5)Aucun
"Istanbul has been the capital of Roman emperors, Byzantine despots and Turkish sultans. Stretching along both sides of the Bosporus from the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea, it occupies one of the most extraordinary geographical locations on earth. Vestiges of the diverse cultures that have flourished hereGreek, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman - survive in modern Istanbul, where the different quarters are still divided by what the Byzantine poet Procopius once called a 'garland of waters'." "In this superb volume, the authors reveal the unique lifestyle and hidden splendours of Istanbul, inviting us to discover an infinite variety of charming private homes, delicate wooden yahs, and magnificent palaces on the European and Asian shores of the Bosporus. These sumptuous dwellings - whether modern or traditional, intimate or spectacular - are imbued with the magic of water and light, of copper and wood, and a sophisticated combination of Eastern and Western influences." "Plunging into the daily life of the bustling city, the exotic Covered Bazaar and celebrated Egyptian Market beckon, where after sampling the delicious local products, tired visitors may pause for a refreshing glass of tea in a sidewalk cafe. In the hans - former caravan depots which now serve as workshops for traditional craftsmen - kilims, carpets, painted tiles, and other marvelous creations abound, and the sacred art of calligraphy is still practiced." "Stunning photographs by Jerome Darblay, specially commissioned for this volume, unveil the secrets of this ancient city, while an extensive visitor's guide to hotels, restaurants, traditional shops, museums and other attractions provides information for the discriminating traveller to discover Istanbul's thousand-and-one delights."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved… (plus d'informations)

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Kenizé Mouradauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Darblay, JeromePhotographeauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Freely, JohnContributeurauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
Mourad, KenizePrefaceauteur secondairetoutes les éditionsconfirmé
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"Istanbul has been the capital of Roman emperors, Byzantine despots and Turkish sultans. Stretching along both sides of the Bosporus from the Sea of Marmara to the Black Sea, it occupies one of the most extraordinary geographical locations on earth. Vestiges of the diverse cultures that have flourished hereGreek, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman - survive in modern Istanbul, where the different quarters are still divided by what the Byzantine poet Procopius once called a 'garland of waters'." "In this superb volume, the authors reveal the unique lifestyle and hidden splendours of Istanbul, inviting us to discover an infinite variety of charming private homes, delicate wooden yahs, and magnificent palaces on the European and Asian shores of the Bosporus. These sumptuous dwellings - whether modern or traditional, intimate or spectacular - are imbued with the magic of water and light, of copper and wood, and a sophisticated combination of Eastern and Western influences." "Plunging into the daily life of the bustling city, the exotic Covered Bazaar and celebrated Egyptian Market beckon, where after sampling the delicious local products, tired visitors may pause for a refreshing glass of tea in a sidewalk cafe. In the hans - former caravan depots which now serve as workshops for traditional craftsmen - kilims, carpets, painted tiles, and other marvelous creations abound, and the sacred art of calligraphy is still practiced." "Stunning photographs by Jerome Darblay, specially commissioned for this volume, unveil the secrets of this ancient city, while an extensive visitor's guide to hotels, restaurants, traditional shops, museums and other attractions provides information for the discriminating traveller to discover Istanbul's thousand-and-one delights."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved

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