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Fire and Fate: A Tale of the Lord of Darkness (2023)

par Serena Valentino

Séries: Villains (10)

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"The myth has been told for centuries: Brothers Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades waged a years-long war against their father Cronus and his tyrannical Titans. Upon their mighty victory, Zeus split the world into three. For himself, he claimed the Sky and what fell below it. To his brother Poseidon, he assigned dominion over the Sea. And his oldest brother, Hades, would rule the Underworld. While Hades tries to make the best of a lonely situation, eternity proves a long time to be forced live in a role--a domain--he never wanted. And the part of the story no one tells is that when your family treats you like a villain, it is far too easy to become one. Years of being ignored and shamed by his family reach a fiery head, when three perfectly alive witches find their way into the land of the dead. Bored and lonely, Hades befriends these mysterious Odd Sisters and makes a bargain that will change the course of fate. But when you're a god, making a deal has the potential to rewrite more stories than just your own..."--… (plus d'informations)

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I love the character of Hades, but this book felt rushed. It's short and easy to read, but I just felt that it could've explored more and delved a little deeper. Everything in the Villains series seems to tie up. In fact, it felt like an ending to the whole thing, admittedly a bit hurried. You definitely need to read all the rest of the books in the series to know what's going on. ( )
  briandrewz | Aug 16, 2023 |
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"The myth has been told for centuries: Brothers Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades waged a years-long war against their father Cronus and his tyrannical Titans. Upon their mighty victory, Zeus split the world into three. For himself, he claimed the Sky and what fell below it. To his brother Poseidon, he assigned dominion over the Sea. And his oldest brother, Hades, would rule the Underworld. While Hades tries to make the best of a lonely situation, eternity proves a long time to be forced live in a role--a domain--he never wanted. And the part of the story no one tells is that when your family treats you like a villain, it is far too easy to become one. Years of being ignored and shamed by his family reach a fiery head, when three perfectly alive witches find their way into the land of the dead. Bored and lonely, Hades befriends these mysterious Odd Sisters and makes a bargain that will change the course of fate. But when you're a god, making a deal has the potential to rewrite more stories than just your own..."--

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