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The Woman's Study Bible: Second Edition

par Thomas Nelson

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The Woman's Study Bible is a priceless treasure, poignantly revealing the Word of God to a woman's heart. With special notes and features appealing to women's interests, highlighting women throughout Scripture, and capturing the unique ways Christ cared for women, this Bible truly speaks to a woman's heart. Now with a fresh, new look, The Woman's Study Bible is more relevant to today's women than ever before! Dig deeper into God's Word with the help of inspiring articles by: Anne Graham Lotz Stormie Omartian Nancy Leigh DeMoss Roberta Hromas Linda Dillow Kathy Troccoli Dee Brestin Emilie Barnes Kimberly Daniels Get acquainted with over 100 women in the Bible through detailed character portraits. Gain new insights into Scripture through hundreds of verse-by-verse study notes, compiled by editors Dorothy Patterson and Rhonda Kelley. Apply God's Word to your own life with the help of over 300 articles on topics for women ranging from Adoption to Zion. Reflect and delight in hundreds of insightful quotes by inspiring women throughout history. Explore the Bible with a topical index to scriptures and special features. 9-point type size… (plus d'informations)
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The Woman's Study Bible is a priceless treasure, poignantly revealing the Word of God to a woman's heart. With special notes and features appealing to women's interests, highlighting women throughout Scripture, and capturing the unique ways Christ cared for women, this Bible truly speaks to a woman's heart. Now with a fresh, new look, The Woman's Study Bible is more relevant to today's women than ever before! Dig deeper into God's Word with the help of inspiring articles by: Anne Graham Lotz Stormie Omartian Nancy Leigh DeMoss Roberta Hromas Linda Dillow Kathy Troccoli Dee Brestin Emilie Barnes Kimberly Daniels Get acquainted with over 100 women in the Bible through detailed character portraits. Gain new insights into Scripture through hundreds of verse-by-verse study notes, compiled by editors Dorothy Patterson and Rhonda Kelley. Apply God's Word to your own life with the help of over 300 articles on topics for women ranging from Adoption to Zion. Reflect and delight in hundreds of insightful quotes by inspiring women throughout history. Explore the Bible with a topical index to scriptures and special features. 9-point type size

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