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Fletch's Moxie par Gregory Mcdonald

Fletch's Moxie (original 1982; édition 1983)

par Gregory Mcdonald

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393667,085 (3.55)3
In Fletch's Moxie, the prolific Gregory Mcdonald tests his incomparable investigative journalist once again with a caper that is as perfectly plotted as Fletch is brilliant. It seems just about everyone in Hollywood had a reason to want Steve Peterman dead. But how someone managed to put a knife in his back on a live broadcast without being seen is anyone's guess. Unfortunately for Fletch, his girlfriend, Moxie Mooney, a huge star at the box office, is also the number one suspect. With the police asking way too many questions, Fletch whisks Moxie and her drunken father off to Key West for a little privacy. But before he can even check out the beach, the rest of the suspects decide to check in. Now, in a house full of Hollywood's elite, Fletch is increasingly amazed at how ruthless the movie business can be.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Fletch's Moxie
Auteurs:Gregory Mcdonald
Info:Littlehampton Book Services Ltd (1983), Hardcover, 192 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Le culot de Fletch par Gregory Mcdonald (1982)


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» Voir aussi les 3 mentions

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Reading books older than 2000 on my to-read shelves. It’s interesting to see how they handle race, gender and other social behaviors. Fletch is actually more progressive than others. The mix of humor and mystery is well done. ( )
  shanep | Aug 23, 2024 |
I believe this is my favorite Fletch book. I have only two books left to read from the series. ( )
  BoundTogetherForGood | Jan 1, 2023 |
Fun to have this fletch book set in Fort Myers. The trip to Key West made out even more fun. The conclusion was a little surprising but well developed. MacDonald seems to enjoy surprising flip flops by his characters. Moxie and her father play more central roles and are well developed. ( )
  waldhaus1 | Dec 4, 2022 |
murder on movie set
  ritaer | Apr 10, 2020 |
This volume of McDonald's Fletch series is a humorous look at the Hollywood movie industry and the nature of stardom even though it all takes place on the Florida coast. Features are an on-screen murder taking place with all camera ras rolling, a stealthy getaway by Fletch with a picnic basket and the chief suspect super-sexy movie Star Moxie, a funhouse filled with Hollywood crazies like an altered version of a murder mystery weekend in the Catskills, rioting locals, race horses, and Cuba. The opening scene was perfect as was the closing, but the middle seemed to drag with a whole lot of chitter chatter. A fairly decent read that fits in well in the Fletch universe, but it almost lost me wading through the middle ( )
  DaveWilde | Sep 22, 2017 |
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In Fletch's Moxie, the prolific Gregory Mcdonald tests his incomparable investigative journalist once again with a caper that is as perfectly plotted as Fletch is brilliant. It seems just about everyone in Hollywood had a reason to want Steve Peterman dead. But how someone managed to put a knife in his back on a live broadcast without being seen is anyone's guess. Unfortunately for Fletch, his girlfriend, Moxie Mooney, a huge star at the box office, is also the number one suspect. With the police asking way too many questions, Fletch whisks Moxie and her drunken father off to Key West for a little privacy. But before he can even check out the beach, the rest of the suspects decide to check in. Now, in a house full of Hollywood's elite, Fletch is increasingly amazed at how ruthless the movie business can be.

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Moyenne: (3.55)
2 5
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3 26
3.5 4
4 29
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5 7

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