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Lost & Found: 9 life-changing lessons about stuff from someone who lost everything

par Helen Chandler-Wilde

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Combining personal experience, expert opinion and self-help advice, Lost & Found explains why we buy and keep the things we do, and how we can live a less cluttered life On New Year's Eve of 2018, journalist Helen Chandler-Wilde lost everything she owned in a storage unit fire in Croydon, where she'd stowed all her possessions after a big break-up. She was left devastated, and forced to re-evaluate her relationship with owning material things. A mix of memoir, self-help and journalism, Lost & Found explores the psychological reasons for why we buy and keep the things we do, and explains how we can liberate ourselves from the tyranny of 'too much'. Helen interviews people from all walks of life, including behavioral psychologists on the science of nostalgia, a nun on what it's like to own almost nothing, and consumer psychologists on why we spend impulsively, to help us better understand why we're surrounded by clutter and what we can do to change it. This smart-thinking book explains the sociological quirks of human nature and the fascinating science behind why we buy and hold onto things. By the end of it, your relationship with your belongings will be changed forever.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parmillylitre, clickclack, gaskella

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Combining personal experience, expert opinion and self-help advice, Lost & Found explains why we buy and keep the things we do, and how we can live a less cluttered life On New Year's Eve of 2018, journalist Helen Chandler-Wilde lost everything she owned in a storage unit fire in Croydon, where she'd stowed all her possessions after a big break-up. She was left devastated, and forced to re-evaluate her relationship with owning material things. A mix of memoir, self-help and journalism, Lost & Found explores the psychological reasons for why we buy and keep the things we do, and explains how we can liberate ourselves from the tyranny of 'too much'. Helen interviews people from all walks of life, including behavioral psychologists on the science of nostalgia, a nun on what it's like to own almost nothing, and consumer psychologists on why we spend impulsively, to help us better understand why we're surrounded by clutter and what we can do to change it. This smart-thinking book explains the sociological quirks of human nature and the fascinating science behind why we buy and hold onto things. By the end of it, your relationship with your belongings will be changed forever.

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