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The Vigil

par V. Ram

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Uncover the Dcu's Greatest Conspiracy! Who are the Vigil? Meet a mysterious new South Asian superteam operating in the shadows. Given powers they didn't want, Arclight, Saya, Dodge, and Castle are determined to shutdown metahuman research and weaponized illegal technology created for military applications at any cost. Along the way they'll encounter strange individuals that could be allies or enemies-not a surprise for a group that exists to shut down state-sponsored superhumans-and clean up the mess before any hero or villain arrives, as if both the crime and the Vigil were never there. Written by Ram V (the acclaimed writer of Detective Comics, Catwoman, The Many Deaths of Laila Starr) and powerfully illustrated by Lalit Kumar Sharma (Daredevil, Firefly) and Devmalya Pramanik (Paradiso, Vampire: The Masquerade - Winter's Teeth)! Uncover a top-secret metahuman conspiracy in this enigmatic, reality-altering new adventure!… (plus d'informations)

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Uncover the Dcu's Greatest Conspiracy! Who are the Vigil? Meet a mysterious new South Asian superteam operating in the shadows. Given powers they didn't want, Arclight, Saya, Dodge, and Castle are determined to shutdown metahuman research and weaponized illegal technology created for military applications at any cost. Along the way they'll encounter strange individuals that could be allies or enemies-not a surprise for a group that exists to shut down state-sponsored superhumans-and clean up the mess before any hero or villain arrives, as if both the crime and the Vigil were never there. Written by Ram V (the acclaimed writer of Detective Comics, Catwoman, The Many Deaths of Laila Starr) and powerfully illustrated by Lalit Kumar Sharma (Daredevil, Firefly) and Devmalya Pramanik (Paradiso, Vampire: The Masquerade - Winter's Teeth)! Uncover a top-secret metahuman conspiracy in this enigmatic, reality-altering new adventure!

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