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Radar (Terk's Guardians Book 1)

par Dale Mayer

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Book 1: Terk's Guardians Having cultivated his instincts through years of naval missions, Radar is roaming the world, working part-time for Levi and Bullard. When he's instructed to go to Paris to help out a new start-up, he's not sure what to expect. Especially given the caginess of Levi's description of those who Radar would be working for. Outside of telling him, He'd fit right in, there is minimal intel on the job itself. Plus Radar's working with two men he doesn't know, and they aren't willing to share their own secrets. Sammy threw in her heart and soul to help her best friend and fellow hacker track down a bomber, who'd left devastation behind on the Parisian streets over the last few years. When they finally get something tangible, they contact the authorities to help. That's when Sammy's world goes to hell. The race to save Sammy-and, indeed, Paris from an imminent attack-has Radar questioning his own instincts, and the abilities of those around him, especially Sammy's...… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parjemedwards

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Book 1: Terk's Guardians Having cultivated his instincts through years of naval missions, Radar is roaming the world, working part-time for Levi and Bullard. When he's instructed to go to Paris to help out a new start-up, he's not sure what to expect. Especially given the caginess of Levi's description of those who Radar would be working for. Outside of telling him, He'd fit right in, there is minimal intel on the job itself. Plus Radar's working with two men he doesn't know, and they aren't willing to share their own secrets. Sammy threw in her heart and soul to help her best friend and fellow hacker track down a bomber, who'd left devastation behind on the Parisian streets over the last few years. When they finally get something tangible, they contact the authorities to help. That's when Sammy's world goes to hell. The race to save Sammy-and, indeed, Paris from an imminent attack-has Radar questioning his own instincts, and the abilities of those around him, especially Sammy's...

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