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The Climb to Investment Excellence: A Practitioner’s Guide to Building Exceptional Portfolios and Teams

par Ana Marshall

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A go-to resource for institutional investors and asset allocators seeking practical advice from a proven leader in the field InThe Climb to Investment Excellence: A Practitioner's Guide to Building Exceptional Portfolios and Teams, celebrated institutional investor and asset allocator Ana Marshall draws on her 36 years' experience in finance and investment to deliver a comprehensive and practical blueprint for a resilient and high-performing institutional portfolio, as well as a reliable roadmap for the management of its stakeholders. You'll discover ready-to-deploy strategies and advice that's informed by evidence and tried and tested in the real world, helping you to build and manage your team, construct a portfolio, set your goals, select the right managers, and more. You'll also find: Explorations of three themes that consistently define the careers of successful investors and asset allocators: strategy and planning, trust, and risk management The critical factors every investor and allocator should consider before making any sort of impactful decision Examinations of the importance of resilience in the face of bad fortune or mistakes A can't-miss resource for institutional investors and asset allocators, The Climb to Investment Excellence will also benefit board members tasked with overseeing their organizations' investment objectives and performance in a volatile and ever-changing market. (There is no workbook that goes alongside this book.) … (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parRobertdd

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A go-to resource for institutional investors and asset allocators seeking practical advice from a proven leader in the field InThe Climb to Investment Excellence: A Practitioner's Guide to Building Exceptional Portfolios and Teams, celebrated institutional investor and asset allocator Ana Marshall draws on her 36 years' experience in finance and investment to deliver a comprehensive and practical blueprint for a resilient and high-performing institutional portfolio, as well as a reliable roadmap for the management of its stakeholders. You'll discover ready-to-deploy strategies and advice that's informed by evidence and tried and tested in the real world, helping you to build and manage your team, construct a portfolio, set your goals, select the right managers, and more. You'll also find: Explorations of three themes that consistently define the careers of successful investors and asset allocators: strategy and planning, trust, and risk management The critical factors every investor and allocator should consider before making any sort of impactful decision Examinations of the importance of resilience in the face of bad fortune or mistakes A can't-miss resource for institutional investors and asset allocators, The Climb to Investment Excellence will also benefit board members tasked with overseeing their organizations' investment objectives and performance in a volatile and ever-changing market. (There is no workbook that goes alongside this book.) 

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