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Evangelical Study Bible (NKJV, Hardcover)

par Thomas Nelson

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Be refreshed by the power and beauty of faithful Christ-centered teaching. Engage the issues of today. Build a firm foundation for this generation--and the next. To be an evangelical is to believe in life-changing truth; it is to believe that the Bible not only gives us the key to eternal life in Jesus but also the way to live today. This is news worth sharing. But how do we do this in a rapidly changing culture that appears to be shifting from a general disinterest in the gospel to a more active opposition to it? When it feels like our faith is being challenged in every area, how should we respond? The Evangelical Study Bible will rejuvenate your faith through the unchanging truth of the gospel. With verse-by-verse commentary and interesting sidebars that dig deeper into the historical and contextual background of Scripture, it will help you grow in your understanding and appreciation of the life-changing truths of the Christian faith. Also included are more than fifty articles designed to help you better understand your faith and effectively share it with others. Many of these articles address the most pressing issues of our day, equipping you to engage others with confidence, and laying a foundation of truth for the next generation. Features include: Commentary, articles, notes, and word studies developed in partnership with scholars from Liberty University's School of Divinity: Verse-by-verse commentary on the entire Bible for a better understanding of the passage being read Over 200 short articles on Christian teachings and doctrine for a systematic study of themes in God's Word 100 articles to equip readers to navigate the cultural engagement issues of today 100 cultural background notes help you relate to how people lived in Bible times 100 archeological notes draw attention to biblical places and related archeological discoveries 550 Word Studies to explore key terms of the Bible Biographies of 150 biblical figures give overviews of key men and women in the Bible Full-color maps, charts, and family trees for a visual representation of concepts and where key events in the Bible took place Book introductions, with outlines and reading plans provide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read Topical indexes make it easy to find important topics in Scripture Extensive cross-references drawing connections between texts Concordance provides an alphabetical listing of important passages by key words Large Print 10.5-point NKJV Comfort Print®… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parTBN-BC, Blazar312, ptimes

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Be refreshed by the power and beauty of faithful Christ-centered teaching. Engage the issues of today. Build a firm foundation for this generation--and the next. To be an evangelical is to believe in life-changing truth; it is to believe that the Bible not only gives us the key to eternal life in Jesus but also the way to live today. This is news worth sharing. But how do we do this in a rapidly changing culture that appears to be shifting from a general disinterest in the gospel to a more active opposition to it? When it feels like our faith is being challenged in every area, how should we respond? The Evangelical Study Bible will rejuvenate your faith through the unchanging truth of the gospel. With verse-by-verse commentary and interesting sidebars that dig deeper into the historical and contextual background of Scripture, it will help you grow in your understanding and appreciation of the life-changing truths of the Christian faith. Also included are more than fifty articles designed to help you better understand your faith and effectively share it with others. Many of these articles address the most pressing issues of our day, equipping you to engage others with confidence, and laying a foundation of truth for the next generation. Features include: Commentary, articles, notes, and word studies developed in partnership with scholars from Liberty University's School of Divinity: Verse-by-verse commentary on the entire Bible for a better understanding of the passage being read Over 200 short articles on Christian teachings and doctrine for a systematic study of themes in God's Word 100 articles to equip readers to navigate the cultural engagement issues of today 100 cultural background notes help you relate to how people lived in Bible times 100 archeological notes draw attention to biblical places and related archeological discoveries 550 Word Studies to explore key terms of the Bible Biographies of 150 biblical figures give overviews of key men and women in the Bible Full-color maps, charts, and family trees for a visual representation of concepts and where key events in the Bible took place Book introductions, with outlines and reading plans provide a concise overview of the background and historical context of the book about to be read Topical indexes make it easy to find important topics in Scripture Extensive cross-references drawing connections between texts Concordance provides an alphabetical listing of important passages by key words Large Print 10.5-point NKJV Comfort Print®

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