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Hello Billionaire

par Kelsie Hoss

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33Aucun753,992 (4.3)Aucun
My ex told me no one would ever want to be with a "fat, broke, single mom of three." My billionaire boss thinks otherwise. After my ex left me high and dry, I need to make things work for my kids. Even if it means getting rejected for jobs over and over again. When my friend gets me an interview with her boss for an interior design job, I think things are finally looking up. That is until I door ding his Tesla and yell at my kids on the phone during the interview. (For the record, running out of peanut butter does NOT count as an "emergency.") But for some reason… he offers me the job. As a boss, Gage Griffen is intense, driven, and demanding. But under his layers of Armani and grumpy exterior, he's also generous, kind, and treats my kids the way I wish their dad would. I need to keep my distance, because this job is our fresh start. And messing up this opportunity could ruin everything, including my heart. Hello Billionaire is a grumpy/sunshine rom com featuring a steamy billionaire, a plus-size single mom, three matchmaking children, and one hell of a happily ever after.… (plus d'informations)

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My ex told me no one would ever want to be with a "fat, broke, single mom of three." My billionaire boss thinks otherwise. After my ex left me high and dry, I need to make things work for my kids. Even if it means getting rejected for jobs over and over again. When my friend gets me an interview with her boss for an interior design job, I think things are finally looking up. That is until I door ding his Tesla and yell at my kids on the phone during the interview. (For the record, running out of peanut butter does NOT count as an "emergency.") But for some reason… he offers me the job. As a boss, Gage Griffen is intense, driven, and demanding. But under his layers of Armani and grumpy exterior, he's also generous, kind, and treats my kids the way I wish their dad would. I need to keep my distance, because this job is our fresh start. And messing up this opportunity could ruin everything, including my heart. Hello Billionaire is a grumpy/sunshine rom com featuring a steamy billionaire, a plus-size single mom, three matchmaking children, and one hell of a happily ever after.

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