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Automatic Fluency Spanish

par Mark Frobose

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All it takes is a few minutes of your time every day to actually speak and understand authentic Spanish and build fluency one lesson at a time. Automatic Fluency® Spanish Level 1 is where you will learn to speak and understand more Spanish from just one lesson than from 16 lessons from other more expensive and boring programs. Designed to keep you constantly motivated and learning to speak and understand Latin American Spanish at optimal speed, expert language teacher Mark Frobose talks you through the program in English while several trained native female and male Latin American Spanish speakers teach you Spanish the way it is really spoken. This highly acclaimed method is so easy and so fast that you'll be speaking Spanish within minutes of receiving your program, building fluency daily, and enjoying the process!.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parkiesa

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All it takes is a few minutes of your time every day to actually speak and understand authentic Spanish and build fluency one lesson at a time. Automatic Fluency® Spanish Level 1 is where you will learn to speak and understand more Spanish from just one lesson than from 16 lessons from other more expensive and boring programs. Designed to keep you constantly motivated and learning to speak and understand Latin American Spanish at optimal speed, expert language teacher Mark Frobose talks you through the program in English while several trained native female and male Latin American Spanish speakers teach you Spanish the way it is really spoken. This highly acclaimed method is so easy and so fast that you'll be speaking Spanish within minutes of receiving your program, building fluency daily, and enjoying the process!.

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