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The Giver (Amish Country Brides) Christmas

par J.E.B. Spredemann

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Returning home for the holidays is bittersweet for Bailey Miller. While she loves her mother and stepvatter's family and wants to spend time with them, she knows she'll inevitably run into Timothy Stoltzfoos--the man who betrayed her and broke her heart. Although Timothy's available now, she's not interested. At least, that's what she tells her traitorous heart. She's promised to Mark Petersheim--a man she doesn't love nearly as much as she once loved Timothy. But he's a nice man and will make a good husband. Timothy Stoltzfoos messed up big time when he chose MaryAnn Kinsinger over Bailey Miller. It has been four years since he heard she'd left their Amish community for the Englisch world to live with her vatter in New Jersey. But now she's back and she's Amish again--and engaged to be married to an Amish man in a nearby district. Timothy would give just about anything to have her back in his life--she'd never left his heart. He knows Bailey would never give him a second chance, but Christmas is a time for miracles, isn't it?… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parTrinityYouth

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Returning home for the holidays is bittersweet for Bailey Miller. While she loves her mother and stepvatter's family and wants to spend time with them, she knows she'll inevitably run into Timothy Stoltzfoos--the man who betrayed her and broke her heart. Although Timothy's available now, she's not interested. At least, that's what she tells her traitorous heart. She's promised to Mark Petersheim--a man she doesn't love nearly as much as she once loved Timothy. But he's a nice man and will make a good husband. Timothy Stoltzfoos messed up big time when he chose MaryAnn Kinsinger over Bailey Miller. It has been four years since he heard she'd left their Amish community for the Englisch world to live with her vatter in New Jersey. But now she's back and she's Amish again--and engaged to be married to an Amish man in a nearby district. Timothy would give just about anything to have her back in his life--she'd never left his heart. He knows Bailey would never give him a second chance, but Christmas is a time for miracles, isn't it?

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