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Big Swiss: A Novel par Jen Beagin

Big Swiss: A Novel (édition 2023)

par Jen Beagin (Auteur)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
5942041,557 (3.66)10
"Greta lives with her friend Sabine in an ancient Dutch farmhouse in Hudson, New York. The house, built in 1737, is unrenovated, uninsulated, and full of bees. Greta spends her days transcribing therapy sessions for a sex coach who calls himself Om. She becomes infatuated with his newest client, a repressed married woman she affectionately refers to as Big Swiss, since she's tall, stoic, and originally from Switzerland. Greta is fascinated by Big Swiss's refreshing attitude toward trauma. They both have dark histories, but Big Swiss chooses to remain unattached to her suffering while Greta continues to be tortured by her past. One day, Greta recognizes Big Swiss's voice at the dog park. In a panic, she introduces herself with a fake name and they quickly become enmeshed. Although Big Swiss is unaware of Greta's true identity, Greta has never been more herself with anyone. Her attraction to Big Swiss overrides her guilt, and she'll do anything to sustain the relationship..."--Provided by publisher.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Big Swiss: A Novel
Auteurs:Jen Beagin (Auteur)
Info:Simon & Schuster Audio (2023)
Collections:Votre bibliothèque, À lire

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Big Swiss par Jen Beagin


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» Voir aussi les 10 mentions

Affichage de 1-5 de 19 (suivant | tout afficher)
So good. Wonderfully demented or dementedly wonderful. Probably both. I laughed regularly and loudly. A fun beautiful twisted read. Yes is a pleasant country (an ee Cummings poem cited often and the whole thesis of the book. Lovely)
  BookyMaven | Sep 1, 2024 |
‪This novel’s flippant tone was offputting at first. It seemed very superficial, affectedly quirky to the point of being twee, smartly but almost cloyingly stylistic. As it turns out, there was some very dark subject matter that was counterbalanced by the almost nonchalant tone, and it was funny and enjoyable to read.‬ ( )
  Charon07 | Aug 26, 2024 |
This book, is perhaps the funniest fiction book I've read this year. Beagin is completely new to me. ( )
  vive_livre | Aug 4, 2024 |
Wow. I have been reading a string of books that were more plot-driven and less sad Brooklyn girl than my usual fare, and enjoying the heck out of them. I started to think that maybe I needed a break from MFAs exploring their trauma response. This extraordinary, relentlessly entertaining, surprising, quietly heartbreaking book upended that line of thought entirely. I don't know how to explain the plot (such as it is) so I will just say that denial ain't just a river in Egypt, and that it only works for so long. Eventually, you find yourself living in a crumbling home and connecting to the world through a rather odd form of voyeurism and stalking and talking to and caring for animals you have anthropomorphized from bees to miniature donkeys. Just read it. It is like nothing you have ever read before. ( )
  Narshkite | May 27, 2024 |
Fun premise but it peters out. ( )
  ghefferon | May 11, 2024 |
Affichage de 1-5 de 19 (suivant | tout afficher)
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For Stefan
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Greta called her Big Swiss because she was tall and from Switzerland, and often dressed from top to toe in white, the color of surrender.
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Yes, people age horribly. They suffer strokes. Their bodies and brains fall apart. But the male ego? Firmly intact until the bitter end.
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"Greta lives with her friend Sabine in an ancient Dutch farmhouse in Hudson, New York. The house, built in 1737, is unrenovated, uninsulated, and full of bees. Greta spends her days transcribing therapy sessions for a sex coach who calls himself Om. She becomes infatuated with his newest client, a repressed married woman she affectionately refers to as Big Swiss, since she's tall, stoic, and originally from Switzerland. Greta is fascinated by Big Swiss's refreshing attitude toward trauma. They both have dark histories, but Big Swiss chooses to remain unattached to her suffering while Greta continues to be tortured by her past. One day, Greta recognizes Big Swiss's voice at the dog park. In a panic, she introduces herself with a fake name and they quickly become enmeshed. Although Big Swiss is unaware of Greta's true identity, Greta has never been more herself with anyone. Her attraction to Big Swiss overrides her guilt, and she'll do anything to sustain the relationship..."--Provided by publisher.

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Moyenne: (3.66)
1 4
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