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Fallon's Flaw (Bullard's Battle)

par Dale Mayer

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Book 6: Bullard's Battle Fallon returns to Africa and Bullard's home base to follow the only active lead they have in their hunt for their plane saboteur. Once home, Fallon finds Dave, Bullard's right-hand man, heading out to check on a lead for Bullard, and Dave's niece, Linny, is home for a visit. Fallon and Linny have shared both good and bad moments, as the two of them dance around a long-term attraction-which Fallon refuses to pursue, not wanting his relationship with Bullard and the crew at the compound to change. Linny plans to confront Fallon but instead finds an old beau dropped dead on the front steps of the compound, considered her second home. Uncle Dave is everything to her, and Bullard sent her to medical school, yet it's Fallon she keeps coming back to see. As her world implodes, the same issues facing Fallon take a turn for the worse, ... putting them all in danger.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parzip00, Autumn_Fields

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Book 6: Bullard's Battle Fallon returns to Africa and Bullard's home base to follow the only active lead they have in their hunt for their plane saboteur. Once home, Fallon finds Dave, Bullard's right-hand man, heading out to check on a lead for Bullard, and Dave's niece, Linny, is home for a visit. Fallon and Linny have shared both good and bad moments, as the two of them dance around a long-term attraction-which Fallon refuses to pursue, not wanting his relationship with Bullard and the crew at the compound to change. Linny plans to confront Fallon but instead finds an old beau dropped dead on the front steps of the compound, considered her second home. Uncle Dave is everything to her, and Bullard sent her to medical school, yet it's Fallon she keeps coming back to see. As her world implodes, the same issues facing Fallon take a turn for the worse, ... putting them all in danger.

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