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A Cowboy's Reunion (Family Ties Book 1)

par Carolyne Aarsen

Séries: Family Ties [Aarsen] (1)

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He’s still reeling from the breakup. She’s ashamed of what she did. Can a chance reunion mend the fence, or are some hearts forever broken? Kane can't face running his foster family’s ranch alone. By now he'd hoped to live on the property with his wife and children, but his ex-fiancée’s betrayal threw a wrench into his dreams. Despite his anger, after he discovers his former flame down and out, he knows providing shelter is the right thing to do. Faith Howard always dreamed of entertaining audiences with her guitar and even sacrificed a future with a good man to follow her heart. Life on the road didn’t turn out like she hoped and now she's broke and out of luck. When her ex selflessly offers help, she can't help but be riddled with guilt. As the estranged couple recovers from the past, a friend of the family drops off two toddlers and heads for the hills. Will Kane and Faith’s new role as surrogate parents help them heal old wounds and find a second chance, or will the weight of too much baggage push them apart? A Cowboy’s Reunion is the first book in a sweet western romance series called Family Ties. If you like second chance stories, buried passions, and big country settings, then you’ll love Carolyne Aarsen’s heartfelt novel.… (plus d'informations)

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Good story; a bit laboured in the execution

A clean Christian romance, as promised. Characters that you care about, though maybe all their difficulties are a bit too easily resolved.

There is rather too much ‘commentary’, with the main characters over-analysing each other mentally during conversations, rather than allowing the reader to become more involved through the use of descriptive writing. A better balance between show and tell would make for a more gripping novel. ( )
  Kindleifier | Oct 21, 2019 |
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He’s still reeling from the breakup. She’s ashamed of what she did. Can a chance reunion mend the fence, or are some hearts forever broken? Kane can't face running his foster family’s ranch alone. By now he'd hoped to live on the property with his wife and children, but his ex-fiancée’s betrayal threw a wrench into his dreams. Despite his anger, after he discovers his former flame down and out, he knows providing shelter is the right thing to do. Faith Howard always dreamed of entertaining audiences with her guitar and even sacrificed a future with a good man to follow her heart. Life on the road didn’t turn out like she hoped and now she's broke and out of luck. When her ex selflessly offers help, she can't help but be riddled with guilt. As the estranged couple recovers from the past, a friend of the family drops off two toddlers and heads for the hills. Will Kane and Faith’s new role as surrogate parents help them heal old wounds and find a second chance, or will the weight of too much baggage push them apart? A Cowboy’s Reunion is the first book in a sweet western romance series called Family Ties. If you like second chance stories, buried passions, and big country settings, then you’ll love Carolyne Aarsen’s heartfelt novel.

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