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Travels with Trilobites: Adventures in the…

Travels with Trilobites: Adventures in the Paleozoic (édition 2022)

par Andy Secher (Auteur)

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1811,225,447 (4.13)2
"Trilobites hold the distinction of being among the world's first dominant forms of complex animal life, arthropods that rank second only to the hallowed dinosaur in terms of their paleontological appeal. These bizarrely beautiful three-lobed creatures initially appeared in the seas more than 520 million years ago, emerging when the oceans had become ripe for the blossoming of biodiversity. These Paleozoic inhabitants would populate the planet's marine ecosystems for the next 270 million years. During that span, trilobites generated more than 25,000 scientifically recognized species - a fact that places these creatures among the most successful animal classes ever to exist on our world. There are a few examples that due to either their unique combination of rarity, beauty, or the noteworthy role they've played in paleontological history, stand head and shoulders (or perhaps we should say glabella and occipital lobe) above all others. From pristine examples of relatively common trilo-types to one-of-a-kind treasures, the book will feature hundreds of high-resolution photographs of an amazing array of the most incredible specimens of trilobites collected from localities around the globe, including specimens that have never before been seen outside of private collections. Travels with Trilobites explains the varying orders of trilobites, locations around the world where their fossils are found and the time periods those fossils can be dated to, and myriad other points of interest: the first trilobites, the uniqueness of trilobite eyes, trilobite eggs, feeding behavior, behind-the-scenes stories from the fossil collecting world, and more"--… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Travels with Trilobites: Adventures in the Paleozoic
Auteurs:Andy Secher (Auteur)
Info:Columbia University Press (2022), 416 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Travels with Trilobites: Adventures in the Paleozoic par Andy Secher


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A must-have for any trilobite collector and a good purchase for anyone interested in prehuman life, Travels with Trilobites is packed tighter with gasp-inducing photographs than almost any other coffee-table book I can think of. We've learned a lot about these creatures since I last thought much about them about fifty years ago — because of the difficulty of getting the specimens out of the rock without damage, the details of their defensive spines, much less their long, delicate antennae, were mostly unknown then, and until I read this book, I wasn't even sure that trilobites had eyes. Advances in preparation have been so significant since then that many of the specimens in the book, often much larger than life, look as though they're ready to crawl over your hand. The text of the book is extremely informative as well, covering all aspects of knowledge about trilobites from locations to lifestyle and even to historical human interactions with trilobite fossils (apparently the Ute people carried trilobites as talismans). Unfortunately, the book lacks an index to the photos, so it's hard to visualize the species that are mentioned in the text. This is a particular problem since the photos rarely match the animals mentioned on the same page. All in all, this is a fantastic book for any confirmed enthusiast and might well awaken interest in anyone who knew nothing about trilobites before. But if you need a reference to species, or even a basic overview of trilobite terminology before diving in deep, you'll have to consult other books. ( )
  john.cooper | Apr 3, 2024 |
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"Trilobites hold the distinction of being among the world's first dominant forms of complex animal life, arthropods that rank second only to the hallowed dinosaur in terms of their paleontological appeal. These bizarrely beautiful three-lobed creatures initially appeared in the seas more than 520 million years ago, emerging when the oceans had become ripe for the blossoming of biodiversity. These Paleozoic inhabitants would populate the planet's marine ecosystems for the next 270 million years. During that span, trilobites generated more than 25,000 scientifically recognized species - a fact that places these creatures among the most successful animal classes ever to exist on our world. There are a few examples that due to either their unique combination of rarity, beauty, or the noteworthy role they've played in paleontological history, stand head and shoulders (or perhaps we should say glabella and occipital lobe) above all others. From pristine examples of relatively common trilo-types to one-of-a-kind treasures, the book will feature hundreds of high-resolution photographs of an amazing array of the most incredible specimens of trilobites collected from localities around the globe, including specimens that have never before been seen outside of private collections. Travels with Trilobites explains the varying orders of trilobites, locations around the world where their fossils are found and the time periods those fossils can be dated to, and myriad other points of interest: the first trilobites, the uniqueness of trilobite eyes, trilobite eggs, feeding behavior, behind-the-scenes stories from the fossil collecting world, and more"--

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565.39Natural sciences and mathematics Fossils & prehistoric life Articulates

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