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Skyward Flight: The Collection: Sunreach,…

Skyward Flight: The Collection: Sunreach, ReDawn, Evershore (édition 2022)

par Brandon Sanderson (Autore)

Séries: Skyward Flight (1-3), Skyward (02.1-02.3)

MembresCritiquesPopularitéÉvaluation moyenneMentions
352276,166 (4.34)2
Return to the planet Detritus with FM, Alanik, and Jorgen in this must-have three-novella collection featuring exclusive character art and deleted scenes from Skyward with commentary from Brandon Sanderson. Journey with Skyward Flight to Detritus--humanity's final refuge from the hostile Galactic Superiority government. In Skyward, Spensa Nightshade became a starfighter pilot in the Defiant Defense Force's Skyward Flight to battle Superiority forces. In Starsight she impersonated the alien Alanik to infiltrate a Superiority space station and steal their hyperdrives. And in Cytonic she traveled the strange dimension of the Nowhere to discover the secrets of the planet-destroying Delvers and unlock her own Cytonic powers.   As she is stuck in the Nowhere, Spensa's companions FM and Jorgen in Skyward Flight are left on Detritus with a new mandate: figure out how to use the hyperdrives so that humanity can escape the planet and find allies among other species oppressed by the Superiority. First comes a distress call from Minister Cuna and other diones on the abandoned outpost of Sunreach. Alanik's people on the planet ReDawn and the Kitsen from the planet Evershore also need Skyward Flight's aid in their desperate battles.   The tales of FM, Alanik, and Jorgen combine to expand the universe of the New York Times bestselling Skyward series to new action-packed heights. Once you've claimed the stars, can you keep them free?… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Skyward Flight: The Collection: Sunreach, ReDawn, Evershore
Auteurs:Brandon Sanderson (Autore)
Info:Delacorte Press (2022), 640 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

Information sur l'oeuvre

Skyward Flight: The Collection par Brandon Sanderson


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» Voir aussi les 2 mentions

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In book 3 of the Skyward series, Spensa (the protagonist) journeys through the nowhere (an alternate dimension accessed briefly during hyperspace travel). She occasionally contacts her friend Jorgen in the somewhere (real world) but is mostly detached from what is happening in the war with the Sovereignty. This book (3 novellas) gives secondary characters from the main quartet center stage.

The first novella, told from FM's perspective, is not quite as good as the original trilogy. It recounts several events from the original novels, now from a new perspective, but that means that everything the characters are discovering is well known to the reader at this point, so there is no sense of discovery as they learn how hyperdrive travel works. (It may be that the novellas are meant to be read after book 3, not after book 4, and it is possible that would make a difference). Nevertheless, the second half of novella 1 and novels 2 and 3 move into new territory. I enjoyed learning the details of FM's interaciwith the hyperdrive slugs. She can't understand them as well as Spensa, but they become characters in their own right.

The second novella is told by Alanik, the blue alien we meet briefly in book 2, before Spensa impersonates her at the Superiority pilot recruiting program. It is fun to see her interpretation of human customs and to learn more about her people.

Novella 2 and 3 are continuous; aside from a brief prologue, book 3 picks up just where 2 left off. Jorgen is the main character in novella 3. We see how he met the kitsen and why he was suddenly a vice admiral when Spensa returned home. (He is a little slow at figuring out that he is hearing the voices of the kitsen shadow walkers trapped inside the portal, which is obvious to readers who have finished the original quartet).

Brandon Sanderson is an excellent writer, and I appreciate the opportunity to revisit the universe of Skyward. ( )
  AliciaBooks | Jan 31, 2024 |
Great set of novellas, I read these at the same time as cytonic. They are really just one book. Excellent. ( )
  codykh | Dec 23, 2022 |
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Brandon Sandersonauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Patterson, JanciAuteurauteur principaltoutes les éditionsconfirmé

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Skyward (02.1-02.3)
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For Cortana Olds, my first reader.

For Kenton Olds, who makes me laugh every day.

For Darci Cole, who lets me borrow her faith for a while.

- J.P.
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The day the delver came, I stood staring up at the stars
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Return to the planet Detritus with FM, Alanik, and Jorgen in this must-have three-novella collection featuring exclusive character art and deleted scenes from Skyward with commentary from Brandon Sanderson. Journey with Skyward Flight to Detritus--humanity's final refuge from the hostile Galactic Superiority government. In Skyward, Spensa Nightshade became a starfighter pilot in the Defiant Defense Force's Skyward Flight to battle Superiority forces. In Starsight she impersonated the alien Alanik to infiltrate a Superiority space station and steal their hyperdrives. And in Cytonic she traveled the strange dimension of the Nowhere to discover the secrets of the planet-destroying Delvers and unlock her own Cytonic powers.   As she is stuck in the Nowhere, Spensa's companions FM and Jorgen in Skyward Flight are left on Detritus with a new mandate: figure out how to use the hyperdrives so that humanity can escape the planet and find allies among other species oppressed by the Superiority. First comes a distress call from Minister Cuna and other diones on the abandoned outpost of Sunreach. Alanik's people on the planet ReDawn and the Kitsen from the planet Evershore also need Skyward Flight's aid in their desperate battles.   The tales of FM, Alanik, and Jorgen combine to expand the universe of the New York Times bestselling Skyward series to new action-packed heights. Once you've claimed the stars, can you keep them free?

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Brandon Sanderson est un auteur LibraryThing, c'est-à-dire un auteur qui catalogue sa bibliothèque personnelle sur LibraryThing.

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4 11
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5 11


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