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To Rule the World: How the British and Americans proved they descedned from Joseph and the Ten Tribes of Israel

par Yair Davidiy

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The Lost Ten Tribes went to the West. Among them were the two Tribes descended from Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh. Descendants of Joseph today are to be found primarily within the English-speaking nations of North America and the British Isles and their overseas offshoots. Joseph had a predetermined role in world history to fulfill. This book explores the Task of Joseph in the light of Biblical, Rabbinical, Historical, and up-to-date Geo-Political analysis. The work contain important and interesting information much of which is not available elsewhere. "To Rule the World" examines the destiny and duty of Joseph, how it was fulfilled, and what remains to be done. This in itself is proof, according to the Bible, of Israelite descent. Joseph was required to become a blessing for others, a light to the world, and a civilizer of the non-Israelite heathens. The sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, were each to have their own national distinctions. Joseph was blessed that he would possess the "Gates" of his adversaries meaning the control of strategic points exposing the vulnerabilities of potential enemies. This was a characteristic of British Imperial Policy in the past and if anything it is EVEN MORE a feature of US strategy in the present. Joseph was to be involved in Egypt, Africa, and India and to populate Australia and New Zealand. Appendices include a full improved translation of an article from the Rabbinical Scholar, Nachmanides (1194 - c. 1270 CE), proving that the Lost Ten Tribes had been exiled, were in the North, and were destined to defeat the Heathen Edomite Powers and return to reunite with Judah. Rabbi Avraham HaCohen Kook (1864 - 1935) was the first Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel and the Spiritual Guide for all Modern Religious Zionism. A translation of an article by Rabbi Kook confirms our understanding of the role of Joseph, and of Judah. This book is indispensable for an understanding of the USA, Britain, and the West today. It is also interesting and very readable.… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté parjasonpreyes

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The Lost Ten Tribes went to the West. Among them were the two Tribes descended from Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh. Descendants of Joseph today are to be found primarily within the English-speaking nations of North America and the British Isles and their overseas offshoots. Joseph had a predetermined role in world history to fulfill. This book explores the Task of Joseph in the light of Biblical, Rabbinical, Historical, and up-to-date Geo-Political analysis. The work contain important and interesting information much of which is not available elsewhere. "To Rule the World" examines the destiny and duty of Joseph, how it was fulfilled, and what remains to be done. This in itself is proof, according to the Bible, of Israelite descent. Joseph was required to become a blessing for others, a light to the world, and a civilizer of the non-Israelite heathens. The sons of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh, were each to have their own national distinctions. Joseph was blessed that he would possess the "Gates" of his adversaries meaning the control of strategic points exposing the vulnerabilities of potential enemies. This was a characteristic of British Imperial Policy in the past and if anything it is EVEN MORE a feature of US strategy in the present. Joseph was to be involved in Egypt, Africa, and India and to populate Australia and New Zealand. Appendices include a full improved translation of an article from the Rabbinical Scholar, Nachmanides (1194 - c. 1270 CE), proving that the Lost Ten Tribes had been exiled, were in the North, and were destined to defeat the Heathen Edomite Powers and return to reunite with Judah. Rabbi Avraham HaCohen Kook (1864 - 1935) was the first Chief Rabbi of the State of Israel and the Spiritual Guide for all Modern Religious Zionism. A translation of an article by Rabbi Kook confirms our understanding of the role of Joseph, and of Judah. This book is indispensable for an understanding of the USA, Britain, and the West today. It is also interesting and very readable.

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