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Nabbed in the Nasturtiums

par Dale Mayer

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Séries: Lovely Lethal Gardens (14)

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Riches to rags ... Chaos might be slowing ... Only a new murder occurs ... Sending her off the trail again ... It's been a tough few weeks since Robin and Mathew, Doreen's ex-lawyer and her ex-husband, slid back into her life. Okay, so maybe Robin isn't here any longer to cause torment, but Mathew is. And he's not planning to leave Doreen alone anytime soon, although thankfully he's gone back home for a while. Trying to recuperate looks doubtful for Doreen, when a local gardener is kidnapped, while picking nasturtiums for dinner. The case heats up when the missing man's niece appears on Doreen's doorstep, looking for help, including asking Doreen to accompany her to the police station. Not at all sure what's going on, but willing to help someone in need-particularly after having been a suspect herself-Doreen tags along, looking to do her good deed for the day. But no good deed goes unpunished, and, when Mathew calls, Doreen gets more than she bargained for, including all the usual suspects: love, jealousy, and ... greed. It takes everything from her feathered and furred critter team to keep her safe, as she digs to the bottom of yet another crazy case ...… (plus d'informations)

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Dale Mayerauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Kaplan, MandyNarrateurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Riches to rags ... Chaos might be slowing ... Only a new murder occurs ... Sending her off the trail again ... It's been a tough few weeks since Robin and Mathew, Doreen's ex-lawyer and her ex-husband, slid back into her life. Okay, so maybe Robin isn't here any longer to cause torment, but Mathew is. And he's not planning to leave Doreen alone anytime soon, although thankfully he's gone back home for a while. Trying to recuperate looks doubtful for Doreen, when a local gardener is kidnapped, while picking nasturtiums for dinner. The case heats up when the missing man's niece appears on Doreen's doorstep, looking for help, including asking Doreen to accompany her to the police station. Not at all sure what's going on, but willing to help someone in need-particularly after having been a suspect herself-Doreen tags along, looking to do her good deed for the day. But no good deed goes unpunished, and, when Mathew calls, Doreen gets more than she bargained for, including all the usual suspects: love, jealousy, and ... greed. It takes everything from her feathered and furred critter team to keep her safe, as she digs to the bottom of yet another crazy case ...

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