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Bicycling along the world's most exceptional routes

par Rob Penn

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This exceptional guide presents twenty-five great bicycling vacations around the world for riders of all abilities, on routes selected for their unique locations, dramatic scenery, varying terrain, and fascinating wildlife. "Beautiful colour photographs of some of the world's most dramatic scenery." -- USA Today "...a nice general tour guide with plenty of beautiful pictures to get you started dreaming about your bike tour of a lifetime." -- Daily Courier, Arizona The fourth in Abbeville's series of unusual, illustrated vacation guides, 'Bicycling Along the World's Most Exceptional Routes' follows the success of 'Cooking School Holidays in the World's Most Exceptional Places', 'Spas: Exceptional Destinations Around the World', and 'Walking the World's Most Exceptional Trails'. In this new guide, excursions range from an easy ride through the Loire Valley in France, with stops along the way to taste local wines, to a more challenging trail through Tibet into Nepal. Among the other destinations is a route into northwest Ireland, which winds through an unspoiled landscape of lakes and rivers, and a trip beginning in Tallinn, Estonia--where you'll have time to explore the city's historic streets and squares before heading out into the countryside--and ending in St. Petersburg, Russia. Included in this book is a holiday to suit everyone's interest and ability. The trips last between seven and fourteen days and are easy to organize yourself. Alternatively, the author provides information about specialist travel companies who will make all the reservations for you. You can opt to travel with a group or ride independently at your own pace, following a set of detailed notes and maps. Ground operators are on hand along the way to service your bike and make any repairs needed. Whether you prefer the countryside with long, winding downhill runs or being dropped off on a mountaintop to admire the view before riding down through the terrain, this book will help you discover an extraordinary outdoors vacation. AUTHOR Rob Penn spent his late twenties riding a bicycle around the world. Now, 25,000 miles later, he is a writer and photographer specializing in travel features for a number of leading publications including The Times, Conde Nast Traveller, Marie Claire, and Geographical. ILLUSTRATIONS 100 full colour… (plus d'informations)

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This exceptional guide presents twenty-five great bicycling vacations around the world for riders of all abilities, on routes selected for their unique locations, dramatic scenery, varying terrain, and fascinating wildlife. "Beautiful colour photographs of some of the world's most dramatic scenery." -- USA Today "...a nice general tour guide with plenty of beautiful pictures to get you started dreaming about your bike tour of a lifetime." -- Daily Courier, Arizona The fourth in Abbeville's series of unusual, illustrated vacation guides, 'Bicycling Along the World's Most Exceptional Routes' follows the success of 'Cooking School Holidays in the World's Most Exceptional Places', 'Spas: Exceptional Destinations Around the World', and 'Walking the World's Most Exceptional Trails'. In this new guide, excursions range from an easy ride through the Loire Valley in France, with stops along the way to taste local wines, to a more challenging trail through Tibet into Nepal. Among the other destinations is a route into northwest Ireland, which winds through an unspoiled landscape of lakes and rivers, and a trip beginning in Tallinn, Estonia--where you'll have time to explore the city's historic streets and squares before heading out into the countryside--and ending in St. Petersburg, Russia. Included in this book is a holiday to suit everyone's interest and ability. The trips last between seven and fourteen days and are easy to organize yourself. Alternatively, the author provides information about specialist travel companies who will make all the reservations for you. You can opt to travel with a group or ride independently at your own pace, following a set of detailed notes and maps. Ground operators are on hand along the way to service your bike and make any repairs needed. Whether you prefer the countryside with long, winding downhill runs or being dropped off on a mountaintop to admire the view before riding down through the terrain, this book will help you discover an extraordinary outdoors vacation. AUTHOR Rob Penn spent his late twenties riding a bicycle around the world. Now, 25,000 miles later, he is a writer and photographer specializing in travel features for a number of leading publications including The Times, Conde Nast Traveller, Marie Claire, and Geographical. ILLUSTRATIONS 100 full colour

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