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Marie Benedict Historical Fiction Bundle

par Marie Benedict

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Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Marie Benedict has captivated readers with her gorgeous stories of the women forgotten to history.

Now, get four of her acclaimed novels in this specially priced e-book bundle: The Other Einstein, Carnegie's Maid, The Only Woman in the Room, and Lady Clementine PLUS an exclusive excerpt from The Mystery of Mrs. Christie.

"... Intimate and immersive historical novel.... Prepare to be moved by this provocative history of a woman whose experiences will resonate with today's readers."—Library Journal on The Other Einstein

"A sensational novel that turns the conventional Cinderella story into an all-American triumph."—Sarah McCoy, New York Times and international bestselling author of The Mapmaker's Children and The Baker's Daughter on Carnegie's Maid

"Benedict paints a shining portrait of a complicated woman... Readers will be enthralled."—Publishers Weekly on The Only Woman in the Room

"Benedict is a true master at weaving the threads of the past into a compelling story for today."—Susan Meissner, bestselling author of The Last Year of the War on Lady Clementine

… (plus d'informations)
Récemment ajouté paramysan, nschellhas, wisemetis, SonshineMusic7

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Fiction. Historical Fiction. HTML:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Marie Benedict has captivated readers with her gorgeous stories of the women forgotten to history.

Now, get four of her acclaimed novels in this specially priced e-book bundle: The Other Einstein, Carnegie's Maid, The Only Woman in the Room, and Lady Clementine PLUS an exclusive excerpt from The Mystery of Mrs. Christie.

"... Intimate and immersive historical novel.... Prepare to be moved by this provocative history of a woman whose experiences will resonate with today's readers."—Library Journal on The Other Einstein

"A sensational novel that turns the conventional Cinderella story into an all-American triumph."—Sarah McCoy, New York Times and international bestselling author of The Mapmaker's Children and The Baker's Daughter on Carnegie's Maid

"Benedict paints a shining portrait of a complicated woman... Readers will be enthralled."—Publishers Weekly on The Only Woman in the Room

"Benedict is a true master at weaving the threads of the past into a compelling story for today."—Susan Meissner, bestselling author of The Last Year of the War on Lady Clementine


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