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Flirting with Forever

par Jennifer Bernard

Séries: Lost Harbor, Alaska (8)

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

From USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR Jennifer Bernard comes an opposites-attract standalone romance in the Lost Harbor, Alaska series.

Dr. Ian Finnegan knows all about brains; hearts, not so much. He's ready to find the perfect match, someone as logical and sensible as he is. When it's suggested that he should improve his seduction skills, he's not sure where to turn—until he plucks a damsel in distress from the side of a snowy Alaska highway. She might be a "hot mess," but Chrissie Yates could be just the fun and flirty tutor he needs.

Chrissie hasn't been back to Lost Harbor since her eccentric recluse of a grandfather sent her away at the age of seventeen. Her family now consists of her beloved yellow lab and her broken-down car. Why Gramps has left her his property, she has no idea. She hopes to get in and out as quickly as she can, but reconnecting with old friends and her quirky hometown makes her yearn for something she didn't know she needed. Then there's the sexy newcomer...

Flirting lessons turn to something more passionate, as Chrissie makes Ian feel things he never dreamed. Is it possible he had the wrong idea about who's right for him? Can he put his new skills to good use ... before a deadly storm threatens all he holds dear?

.… (plus d'informations)

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Fiction. Romance. HTML:

From USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR Jennifer Bernard comes an opposites-attract standalone romance in the Lost Harbor, Alaska series.

Dr. Ian Finnegan knows all about brains; hearts, not so much. He's ready to find the perfect match, someone as logical and sensible as he is. When it's suggested that he should improve his seduction skills, he's not sure where to turn—until he plucks a damsel in distress from the side of a snowy Alaska highway. She might be a "hot mess," but Chrissie Yates could be just the fun and flirty tutor he needs.

Chrissie hasn't been back to Lost Harbor since her eccentric recluse of a grandfather sent her away at the age of seventeen. Her family now consists of her beloved yellow lab and her broken-down car. Why Gramps has left her his property, she has no idea. She hopes to get in and out as quickly as she can, but reconnecting with old friends and her quirky hometown makes her yearn for something she didn't know she needed. Then there's the sexy newcomer...

Flirting lessons turn to something more passionate, as Chrissie makes Ian feel things he never dreamed. Is it possible he had the wrong idea about who's right for him? Can he put his new skills to good use ... before a deadly storm threatens all he holds dear?


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