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Given, Vol. 5 (5) par Natsuki Kizu

Given, Vol. 5 (5) (édition 2021)

par Natsuki Kizu (Auteur)

Séries: Given (5)

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1822155,016 (4.21)Aucun
Sometimes a song can save your life. Love of music unites the four members of the band Given: hotheaded guitarist Uenoyama, playboy drummer Akihiko, gentle bassist Haruki, and Mafuyu, a singer gifted with great talent and burdened by past tragedy. Their struggles and conflicts may drive them apart, but their bond to the music--and to one another--always brings them back together again. The final round of the music festival tryout is about to begin, but that's not the only source of tension in the band. Mafuyu, who's been spending a lot of time at Ugetsu and Akihiko's place, learns about the complicated history between the two and realizes that Haruki's heartbreak is part of that romantic tangle. Things come to a head during the band's performance, where the emotions unleashed by Mafuyu's new song will change the course of their lives forever.… (plus d'informations)
Titre:Given, Vol. 5 (5)
Auteurs:Natsuki Kizu (Auteur)
Info:SuBLime (2021), 224 pages
Collections:Votre bibliothèque

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Given, Vol. 5 par Natsuki Kizu


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A kind of conclusion to Akihiko/Haruki and Akihiko/Ugetsu, that's bittersweet and beautiful and I just love all of them. Absolutely wonderful story with great characters.

It is funny that there's a note in here that you can rehair violin bows, because I guess people don't know that. But yeah, you can. They break, and it's kind of startling and funny when it happens. Typically the hair does, rather than the wood, although I know the wood can. But if the wood's in one piece, the hair is replaceable. I do think it's kind of weird that Akihiko just picks up a bundle of broken violin strings as inspiration from Natsuki watching a violinist. I've only been in a situation where I had to redo multiple strings like once (and I think it was two), and I don't just drop the broken ones en masse on the floor. But I don't know. Maybe prodigies go through them faster. And also just... drop them on the floor and put their feet at risk for stepping on wires. ( )
  AnonR | Aug 5, 2023 |
  torygy | Mar 31, 2022 |
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Natsuki Kizuauteur principaltoutes les éditionscalculé
Drzka, SheldonTraducteurauteur secondairequelques éditionsconfirmé

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Given (5)
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Sometimes a song can save your life. Love of music unites the four members of the band Given: hotheaded guitarist Uenoyama, playboy drummer Akihiko, gentle bassist Haruki, and Mafuyu, a singer gifted with great talent and burdened by past tragedy. Their struggles and conflicts may drive them apart, but their bond to the music--and to one another--always brings them back together again. The final round of the music festival tryout is about to begin, but that's not the only source of tension in the band. Mafuyu, who's been spending a lot of time at Ugetsu and Akihiko's place, learns about the complicated history between the two and realizes that Haruki's heartbreak is part of that romantic tangle. Things come to a head during the band's performance, where the emotions unleashed by Mafuyu's new song will change the course of their lives forever.

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Résumé sous forme de haïku

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