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The Northern Pacific Railway of McGee and Nixon: Classic Photographs of Equipment and Environment During the 1930-1955 Period

par Richard Green

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THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY of McGee & Nixon. A fabulous photo excursion over the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY during the years of super steam & struggling diesels - the 1930s into the mid 50s as seen through the lens of two of the NP's most famous photographers & historians, Warren McGee & Ron Nixon. Over 300 photographs, most full page. 290p. 2nd ed., hardcover, 1996. $49.95. (ISBN 0-915370-10-7). Coming soon, PACIFIC NORTHWEST RAILROADS of McGee & Nixon. Steam & diesel scenes of the 1930s through 1960 on the mainline railroads of the PACIFIC NORTHWEST in dramatic scenes by famous photographers Warren McGee & Ron Nixon. More than 300 photographs, most in large full page format, including color of first generation diesels, 280p. hardcover, 1997. $59.95. Also from publisher: LOGGING TO THE SALTCHUCK, Labbe & Replinger, 100+ year photographic history of Simpson Timber Co. & other Mason County, Washington State, logging railroads, hardcover, 1997, $45.95. (ISBN 0-915370-04-2). LOGGING RAILROADS OF SKAGIT COUNTY, Dennis Thompson, 411 photos, 308 page history of the railroad logging era in Skagit County, Washington State, hardcover, 1996, 2nd edition, $59.95. (ISBN 0-915370-06-9). Order from: Northwest Short Line Publishing, P.O. Box 16485, Seattle, WA 98116-0485. 206-932-1087, or FAX 206-935-7106.… (plus d'informations)

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THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY of McGee & Nixon. A fabulous photo excursion over the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY during the years of super steam & struggling diesels - the 1930s into the mid 50s as seen through the lens of two of the NP's most famous photographers & historians, Warren McGee & Ron Nixon. Over 300 photographs, most full page. 290p. 2nd ed., hardcover, 1996. $49.95. (ISBN 0-915370-10-7). Coming soon, PACIFIC NORTHWEST RAILROADS of McGee & Nixon. Steam & diesel scenes of the 1930s through 1960 on the mainline railroads of the PACIFIC NORTHWEST in dramatic scenes by famous photographers Warren McGee & Ron Nixon. More than 300 photographs, most in large full page format, including color of first generation diesels, 280p. hardcover, 1997. $59.95. Also from publisher: LOGGING TO THE SALTCHUCK, Labbe & Replinger, 100+ year photographic history of Simpson Timber Co. & other Mason County, Washington State, logging railroads, hardcover, 1997, $45.95. (ISBN 0-915370-04-2). LOGGING RAILROADS OF SKAGIT COUNTY, Dennis Thompson, 411 photos, 308 page history of the railroad logging era in Skagit County, Washington State, hardcover, 1996, 2nd edition, $59.95. (ISBN 0-915370-06-9). Order from: Northwest Short Line Publishing, P.O. Box 16485, Seattle, WA 98116-0485. 206-932-1087, or FAX 206-935-7106.

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